New career--math teacher


New member
Hey everyone! I'm starting my 2nd (okay 3rd) career next week. I'm going to be a high school mathematics teacher. I'm really looking forward to this. I wanted to get the Jeep community's opinion on teaching and teachers.

RE: Pop

My dad was a high school biology, science, vo-ag, chemistry, and shop teacher for 20 years. I was an EMT instructor for 7 years. The world needs more good teachers, the kind that care enough to make a difference, not the kind that just want to march the kids through to the next level, meeting only the minimum standards.

I don't know if I'd like to be a high school teacher in today's world. Kids just don't seem to have the respect they had for teachers when I was a pup.

Best of luck to you, I hope you are a mover and a shaker. When my dad died a couple of years ago, nearly half those in attendance at his funeral were former students, and he hadn't taught for 25 years by that point!! I hope you can be that kind of teacher for your students.
Nothing wrong with teaching at all. My cousin is a 4th grade teacher, my mom is a 1st grade teacher and my wife is a special education teacher for K, 1 & 4th grades. I would love become a teacher interacting with kids all day and tons of vacation time :) but unfortunately the pay sucks. My career plan is to make some bank until 40 yrs old and then go into teaching (hopefully I have a nice nest egg by 40).
RE: Re: When Is a YJ ready????

I am a teacher, the most thankless job I have ever had, one student gets a bad grade, you need to stick by your guns, then the students hate, parent hate you, and your credibility as a teacher all of a sudden becomes questioned because ONE student failed the test, apparently they did not recieve anough attention from me, because I gave all that attention to the other 26 student in the class room. Not taking into consideration that the actual cause of the bad grade apparently had nothing to do with the students lack of studying, or the parents lack of control over that said student.

I am under Paid and over worked!


lockers on a YJ

I think that the great majority of teachers I know are good, honorable people who really want to help kids learn. I also think that the government school system is working too hard getting educators to teach students how to take a test at years end. Outcome based education stinks.
Teaching kids to take a test is not learning as it should be but people have screamed for accoutabilty for their tax money and this is what they came up with.

Teaching is a good profession, but is somethimes locked in an impossible situation.

I sincerley wish you all the best and I hope you have a good school board and administrators to work with.

Good luck with the Career Change. It's a scary and brave thing to do! Paradygms and lifestyles must change and acclimate. But nothing's worse than doing something that doesn't satisfy your needs or goals.

I too am changing careers, only thing I regret so far is how slow a process the education side has been for me.

Teach with passion!
RE: Picture please of this!!!

90Xjay said:
Teaching is a good profession, but is somethimes locked in an impossible situation.

I sincerley wish you all the best and I hope you have a good school board and administrators to work with.


Quite the honorable profession teaching is, my hat's off to you!

Thanks for the support. It's definitely going to be a challenge...but also very rewarding. I lucked out with a pretty good school. Maybe I'll cook up an Algebra lesson on changing gear ratios or even a Geometry lesson on angles of approach and breakover angles. We gotta get them new Jeepers started somewhere!
RE: Never too tough for MOM!!

i dont think id ever become a teacher, not after all the things ive done to my teachers over the years

RE: using iol

same here. things go in circles.
yea watch out, students can be harsh. Especially in highschool. As long as your a cool teacher it shouldn't be a problem except for the few people always causin trouble. Goodluck.