road drift


New member
first off Id like to say Hi, I haven't been here for a long time I got out of jeeps for a few years and now I'm back in I bought a 01 tj, when I test drove it I noticed that it was a little road crazy, but not too bad, it needed tires bad, so I made the deal and brought it home, next day went to tire shop and bough new 33-12.5 on 10 in wheels,had frount end checked and replaced wheel bering and tie rod, well the drive home wasn't much change, so this morning I aired down to 30 psi from 40 psi and adjusted the steering gear box, well its worse any ideas, I though the tjs drove better than the yj ????? thanks bob

Did they check the front end alignment? How much play was in the steering box before you adjusted it? did that tighten it up or does it still have play? Do you know if it's ever been wrecked? Does it have a lift? Big tires often accentuate front end issues.
yep, did front end alig. I'm saying 1/2-3/4 in. play in gear box before, yep did not change after adj. never been wrecked, 4" lift, I put new 33-12.5s back on it, I'm saying that I need to change steering gear box, the rest of front end is tight. Thanks for the reply Mark, I got kin in E tenn. White Pine- Jefferson City area, was down there last may, they got a couple lots on river-lake just across new bridge outside of Whit Pine. thanks bob
The steering box shouldn't make the vehicle drift. A worn out box makes it harder to control the vehicle because it takes extra steering wheel imput to get a response at the tires. I'd look into how the lift was done. I'm in the mountains east of Bristol.

The steering box shouldn't make the vehicle drift. A worn out box makes it harder to control the vehicle because it takes extra steering wheel imput to get a response at the tires. I'd look into how the lift was done. I'm in the mountains east of Bristol.

Good point about the box not causing drift, BUT if the wide tires are increasing lift issues or road imperfections the loose box could cause wandering by making driver correction intermittent.
Good point about the box not causing drift, BUT if the wide tires are increasing lift issues or road imperfections the loose box could cause wandering by making driver correction intermittent.

that's what I'm thinking, also got to thinking that I had it aligned and its set to factry specks, but would a little more toe in help? the read out they gave me did not tell how much toe in it was set to. thanks bob
I don't know much about the tj suspension, but have read things.. with the link suspension aren't the control arms adjustable? if so, then if they are set too short wouldn't that tilt the front axle and change the steering geometry? inducing bump steer and wandering? I may be way off here as I don't know these rigs very well, but it was a thought.

You might take it to a shop that specializes in 4x4 alignment. The lift and larger tires change the geometry some and might​ require different specs.
Update. I replaced the drop pitman arm with a stock one, and it made a huge difference, I wiggled on the track bar and I think it has soft bushing in the axel end and looks like wore out socket on frame side (I need to get some one to wiggle steering wheel) so I've been looking for a new adjable track bar,I looked at Metatcloak but I didn't see a adjustable one? thanks for the help everyone