Side Mirrors, tj


New member
Question: My tj came with both factory full metal doors, and 1/2 doors. Do the factory mirrors just swap between either type door, or do I need to get some type of bracket? I haven't swapped them yet is why I don't know.

Yes I'm pretty sure they do. I bought replacement newer style and they didn't specify full or hard door. As long as your top hinge has the 3 mounting holes you should ne fine
i had to drill holes in my hinge to mount the mirrors on it.

but mine had the old 80s style flag mirrors on it originally. now i have those later tj style nice mirrors
Wwch99tj: Yep your right. 3 screws for each mirror. Not too bad. Figured out during the swap It would be nice to have another set of nylon limit straps, and the inside anchor brackets. With only one set I had to swap them from door to door which was extra work. Another set & I could just slip the nylon strap off the rod on the inside like it's designed.

RudeDog said:
Wwch99tj: Yep your right. 3 screws for each mirror. Not too bad. Figured out during the swap It would be nice to have another set of nylon limit straps, and the inside anchor brackets. With only one set I had to swap them from door to door which was extra work. Another set & I could just slip the nylon strap off the rod on the inside like it's designed.

Cool thanks I was pretty sure but I wasn't positive.... some of the aftermarket mirrors you can buy are listed only for full or half door
Terry Mason: very nice brackets, something to keep in mind, thanks!! Also see the adjustable straps. I'll be picking some up and hopefully the anchor (U) brackets & screws.