Soft top damage prevention?


New member
Hey guys, it's been awhile.

So I have some damage on my soft top and was wondering if theres a way to prevent more damage or if ya'll know of any cheap fixes.




I've always had an issue with this top. It seemed like it's always been too small. When I bought the jeep, the dealer told me it was brand new and that it wasn't been stretched out. It's been 2 years in the Texas sun.. I would assume that it should have loosened up by now. Let me know what you think
I've had a Bestop Supertop on 'Betty' for three years now with no problems. I do adhere to preventative maintenance by using Bestop Cleaner and Protectant dutifully. If the mixed bag of weather we get up here it's nessesary to protect our $500 investment.
I've successfully used fishing line and a heavier needle to sew broken stitching. I've done it on two tops. The clear color is barely noticeable and holds up pretty well. It takes a little patience, but you can get it back through most of the original holes.

As for the cracks, I'd put packaging tape on the back side to prevent leaking and find a patch from a fabric store or upolstry repair place that gets close to the color.

I used protectant on my first TJ's top, but never did a thing on my CJ's. I'd say the protectant defenatly keeps the top more pliable... which equals more resistant to cracking. I should really pick some more up.
