Stupid Wrangler Question (I'm new at all this!)


New member

OK we found an '03 Wrangler that we like, except for the fact that it has Full Doors with Rollup Windows. My husband is completely opposed to full doors- says it takes away from the "Jeep feel" and he wants to be able to look down and see the road. Um...ok

Anyway, my question is, can the dealership replace ("downgrade") the doors back to the half doors with zip up windows? Or is this the kind of option that once its in, you are stuck with it?

Thanks for the help


If your husband wants that rugged Jeep feel and you're fine with paying $20K+ on a Jeep, I'd go with a nicely restored CJ....well that's what I'd do if i had that money. -Mike

I would stick with the full hard doors... they're good for the cooler months when you want the top down but no doors would be too cold. In the summer when he wants to see the road, or whatever, you can spend a few hundred bucks on a set of 2 piece soft doors that are easy to remove and put back on.


85 CJ[addsig]

Buy the 03 Wrangler and you drive it and let your husband get a real jeep! Just kidding I wish I could afford a new jeep as well but I agree with your husband there is some thing very cool about the openess of a Jeep top off and wind in your hair untill itis cold and raining and you have to be somewhere all dressed up. Buy the jeep wait till spring and get yourself a soft top or a bikini top. But Jeeper84 is right to look into a good clean restored CJ or even YJ. Good Luck Tug[addsig]


If he wants to see the road take the doors off, it is a JEEP! If your going to spend the money to get a new Jeep then full doors and a hardtop are the way to go. Both these items come off, but if you don't to take them off than you shouldn't be bying a Jeep. There are to types of relationships people have with Jeeps they either love them or hate them so if you are going to spend the money on a new one I would make sure you are ready for the commintment. But if you do buy one Good luck and enjoy Evan[addsig]

I understand that he may like the openness of a soft top, but take it from me, I just bought a hardtop and full steel doors for my jeep and I have never been happier.[addsig]

lol.....lots of opionions....but anyway to answer your question some new factory jeeps come with full hard doors....whether you can "downgrade" to the half hard-half soft is up to the jsharifi could get full hard for the winter and buy some half hard-half soft or full soft later........just depends on whether you want to spend the money......first go ask your dealership what they will do for ya [addsig]


yes... i'd imagine that a good salesman would certainly help you out... if i were the salesman at the jeep dealer, i'd be willing to work with a new wrangler customer who wanted a deal on a car and some doors... just go ask![addsig]

I have a 99' Saraha wit a hard top and full doors. I thought the same thing when I bought mine, but now that the colder weather is setting in, I'm thankfull for both lol It's easy to take the doors off, and thats even better than the half dors !!! Also, I know I'm goin' to get blasted on this, if you plan on using the AC in the summer, the full doors insulate better. If you have a smoker with you, the full door windows roll down making venting easy. In short, I recomend getting the Full doors.

In answer to your question, if the salesman wants to make the sale, there should be nothing he wouldn't do. I wish you the best of luck with your new vehicle, and would like to welcome you to the family

I would get the full doors, then if your husband wants the original jeep feel, tell him to just take the doors off (then come off easily)



What is the weather like where you live?? If its real cold...go hard top/full doors. Its warmer and the weight of snow/ice won't hurt the top. Now if you are in Arizona or a similar state, save money and go soft top/doors. You can always upgrade later if you want to. Also, soft doors/top can be very, very loud at high speeds. During my last ski trip, a wind storm kicked up on the highway and I thought for sure the doors were going to be ripped off. Girly will probaly prefer the roll down windows. I have the zippered, soft windows, which besides the already mentioned problems, can be hard to close when driving and because they fold into the jeep, can bring in dirt and dust. Have fun! [addsig]

I have a new 2003 sport.. Opinion....GET IT! =) I live in Miami where 60's in january hurts like hell. I love taking the hardtop off and the full doors. I timed myself ( bc I'm dorkish liek that) 5 minutes for the top....60seconds for the doors ( with my 40Torx rachet and a wrench)

Sidnote...with a hardtop...Get a BESTTOP removable NO DRILL windowshield channel and a Bikini top....Hardtop off..doors off...Bikini ON...Boom...ready to roll.

Scott. 03'Sport.[addsig]

two bolts per door to take off, that takes no time. Well, no time after the first time. Then like it was said earlier, by some half doors or softies. I like full doors because they have windows that roll down. Try zipping back up a window at 65mph!
And I whole heartedly agree on buying a "besttop". They rule![addsig]