Tinted soft top windows


New member
Anyone have any opinons on the tinted soft top windows...im looking into getting the pair that quadratec sells...I believe their best top or some other major brand like that.
They say they fit the factory soft top, anyone know how true this is?
Any opionons, comments, feedback, would be much appreciated.

If you have a factory soft top and you want the tinted windows you can call your local jeep dealer as well since the upgraded soft top comes with tinted windows and you can/ or should be able to order them...at least for price compairism
I put a super top on my YJ 4 years ago. after two years the vissability was almost nothing (I do abuse them a bit). I got the bestop replacement tinted windows and have put two seasons on them and they are still super clear! Must be something in the tinting process! They are a little difficult to see through at night but who cares, thats behind you! hehe

I had a bestop to begin with and I added these and they fit perfect. Not to sure on how they would fit with a factory top?

I would say it is a good purchase, I got mine from performance products cause they were on sale at the time.


ZB I can't remember if you have a TJ or a YJ. If you have a YJ I have a couple of sets of tinted windows that are taking up space. I will have to look again but I think 1 tan and 1 spice set.
- Chris