Under Dash Drips


New member
OK guys my feet are getting wet when it rains. It used to be only if it was a huge down poor. I just ordered a new windshield seal where the windshield hinges. But is there any other spots I can look at. The water seems to be coming mainly from behind the dash on the drivers side. It drips down around the ash tray and above gas petal.

There is a drainage hose thingy under the hood at the firewall... it is most likely on the passenger side by the engine. check to see if it is plugged up. That is where the water is supposed to exit. mine was plugged with mud and leaves. I just took mine off and i've had no problems since
You can also check the holes where wires and whatnot pass through the firewall, the grommets pop out or go bad occasionally. There should be a large one directly over your skinny pedal.

Sparky-Watts said:
I'm betting on the plugged drain hose from the cowl vent in front of the windshield.

x2. That's what the problem usually is.

Could also be the windshield seal, but it's most likely the drain for the cowl.