has anyone read the letter micheal moore wrote to bush?

RE: insane motorcycle video - homemade here in shippensburg,

No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30 percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!

I said he was an idiot and grouped him with J Jackson. This firms my opinion of him.

the reason I wrote that was because of the literary POS above. I don't give a rats a$$ what color the people are, if people are shooting at bus drivers trying to shuttle people out, buses will turn around and delays will take place. If a city and state offer ZERO to ensure the safety of their citizens, the federal government cannot be held repsonsible for complications. And another thing, there are no hurricaines in Kennebunkport as it is in Maine.

and by the way I saw a white family on a roof in the news :roll: .


And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New Orleans this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them that even if you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees, there weren't going to be any Army engineers to fix them anyway because you had a much more important construction job for them -- BUILDING DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ!

Well! I'll say that the man has a talent for making chicken salad out of chicken shit!

I guess the Army's budget has nothing to do with other branches of the US gov't? I'm sure "W" sat down and personally scratched "Rebuild New Orleans' Levees" off the A.C.E.'s to do list. :roll:

You see, with his sarcasm he implies that Bush is solely responsible for budget cuts to a specific task. He then implies that task to be the levees surrounding N.O. Fix them? were they broken? Was there even some sort of rebuilding proposal that went across Bush's desk? Like I said, he uses sarcasm and implications to get a thought accross. He's crafty, yes, but he's also full of malarkey.
RE: Im Back!!!

Tug-n-pull wrote:

I understand he is Pond Scum or worse in your eyes but please for my simple mind point out what lies are in the letter below! Thanks Tug Democrat

Tug, since I am the one who appraised Michael Moore as "pond scum," I will assume you alluded to my previous post. If my assumption is incorrect, please disregard what follows.

If my assumption is correct, then recall that Mr. Moore has a history. My evaluation of Mr. Moore includes that history. My evaluation of Mr. Moore is not based solely or even primarily on the cited letter to the president.

I never accused Mr. Moore of lying in his letter. Therefore, I an not responsible to point out lies in the letter -- and won't.

My problem with Mr. Moore's letter is the faulty reasoning:

(1) To suggest that the levee failures are a result of recent budget cuts is, in my opinion, ludicrous. As I pointed out in a previous post, the inadequate levee problem has been known since the 1920s. Surely it is a reasonable expectation that Lousianna and/or New Orleans would have taken actions of self-interest during the previous 85-years. Actions of self-interest would include political actions, not merely dirt and stone construction projects.

(2) Political actions are important here because it is worth noting that the president does not set the agenda for the Army Corps of Engineers. The Congress sets the agenda for the Army Corps of Engineers. (Can we say, "pork-barrel projects," kids?) Therefore, if one insists on blaming mere mortal humans for the results of the proverbial and inevitable "act of God," one might consider aiming the blame shotgun at several hundred past and current senators and congressmen.

(I will mention here merely as an aside, so as to maintain the focus of this post, that for ~ 40 consecutive years of the preceding 85-years, we had a Democrat-controlled Congress. You, gentle reader, may factor that into the blame equation as appropriate.)

It is my suspicion that the blame game is really a tactical maneuver -- a deliberate distraction. Why? Because sooner or later, someone is going to raise the idea that it might be in everyone's long-term best interest to abandon New Orleans in place. Someone is eventually going to suggest that beyond rebuilding the New Orleans port-oil/gas transfer facilities -- New Orleans is a lost cause.

Can you imagine how threatening some might find that prospect?

We will see. Time will tell.



PS-1: Good to hear from you, Tug.


"There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one
Oh mother tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun"
Well someone had to say it Gadget. The Big Easy was plainly just a really bad idea. It took a long time to find it out, but it was. The refineries must be repaired out of need, but we really need to build more elsewhere. As for the city, as tragic as it may be, rebuilding is just as bad an idea as it was to build it the first time. I think they should salvage what needs to be salvaged from it and that's it. Just having to pump the environmental nightmare is reason enough. At least with all that bacteria and chemicals in one place it can be treated (albeit it will take eons). If that stuff is pumped into the Gulf of Mexico so many more areas will suffer from this ordeal. Factor in the costs involved, the risk of losing it again and it just doesn't make sense. It's time for Louisiana, the US, and the people of what was New Orleans to cut their losses and start over somewhere else. :cry:

Rear Caliper

90Xjay wrote:
It's not your fault that 30 percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no transportation to get out of town

IT is always the sitting president's fault that our large cities have poor people.

We know that all of those poor folks were rich back when Slick Willy was prez for 8 years....right?

Where is the lie? He did not say it was Bushs fault, but what he said is It is not your fault. Bush has lost more jobs on his watch than any other president. He has run up a debt higher than any other president. As for the looking over the sholder and pointing the finger at the last president well that seems to be the standard answer of all republicans once on the matt. I know I was better off in the days of Clinton. But thats not what wants to heard. Where is the lie?

No Tug, you're right on. Bush is directly responsible for every single bad thing that has happened from your financial problems to West Nile Virus.
He is a mad-man intent on doing you evil at every opportunity.....really

(wishing there was an emoticon for "paranoid dilusional")

I'm telling you guys have really changed my ways of thinking.
I'm on your side now.. I hate Bush and everying he stands for.
I was such a moron to be sucked in like that. Yesterday I could not spell Democrat, now I are one. Man this is empowing!!
I have the sudden and powerful urge to start getting government checks asap. Davenport, where is 90Xjay's government assistance?

A chicken in every pot! No a $2000 debit card in every pot.
Heck, I am going to retire at 38! Why not.

Where is my 42" plasma TV?

My free medicine, I don't really need any, but if I got some coming, I want it now or I'll be madder than hell!

Hey, Tug and Sparky, can you spare a few bucks?.....I need some cigarette and beer money till my first of the month check hits..

The phone bill is due, but I'm going to spend that money on the Lotto!!
I'm feeling extry lucky.......


Here's a link to a commentary I came across today. It was sent to me from a friend. It is from the "anti Michael Moore". The other end of the spectrum if you will, and although it's tone dips deep beyond what most would consider "Conservative", it does give a grim look at where many of our cities are morally. If his take on welfare offends you read on ignoring the welfare recipiant bashing... there is some measure of truth to how things got so ugly in New Orleans. Well here goes, don't shoot the messenger (I didn't write it folks) :| :

I can not see any lies. I agree there is"sarcasm" and that he may seem to "implie" however it seems to be hard line truths for the most part.

Dear Gadget I never thought for a second about who used the term Pond Scum I just knew it seemed to be a point of general agreement among the posters of the anti MM side of this post. If I seem to have singled you out I am truly sorry kind Sir. I have nothing but respect for you and the rest of the members here at jeepz. I just like the rest was so stating the other side of a hard line.

Micheal Moore for the most part is nothing but a Reporter that gets on a case and wears it out! If he was so inclined to be pointing that finger in a direction that hailed your cause and blackened the foe of your debate you would not see him in such a dark favor. Over the top? yes! Good at what he does? yes! Likable? about 1/2! But the ol boy can sure make his views a point to be dealt with!! Right?

I personaly am and with out it being a secret, am now, have always been and will be till GW does enough right to off set all the wrongs that have seen an anit Bush person! I was not a fan of Regan, or GW's Daddy either as far as that goes.

This is after all the way it should be. Being able to come into a community of like minded persons "in the case jeep lovers" and have a difference of oppion. I know I am an underdog here and a yellow dawg underdog at that. I never started this thread but had to get in on it cause even as a kid I loved to throw rocks at bee's nest! Fun till you get stung but the sting too can be oh so sweet if you get the nasty little suckers stired up enough to make em go look for a new home. hehehehe

We have 3 more years of King George and I feel pretty sure that over them either he will pull some sort of magic "of coruse they already played the war trump car" or else the other side can run Bozo the Clown and win with out spending over a few hundred dollars on the campaign. I just hope we can keep it together till then.

For you the hard line Bush supporters I have my hat of to you! You have my undieing respect. To stay the course and support the man you voted for is a true test of your belief in the goverment you helped elect. Please allow me to do the same with out shots being fired!

God Bless America and Give Wisedom to the leaders of our country for they effect us all! tug

Hey, Tug and Sparky, can you spare a few bucks?.....I need some cigarette and beer money till my first of the month check hits..

First you have to fill out the correct forms and state just what you need then we can do what we can do! OK

PS what is your race and on what house top can we find you? hehehe tug
Good post Tug. It may be a surprise but I am not really so much a Bush fan as I am a conservative. There were others I would have liked to see in the White House but none were on the ballot in November. Being a conservative I take exception to all the heat that "W" draws from the liberals and the liberal media (getting better, but still a majority liberal). It is true that everything from the temperature of the Gulf of Mexico to the price of dish soap gets blamed on him and it is beyond ridiculous. Moore is a master at that type of thing and he gets my goat. Like I posted earlier, if one wanted to truly criticize Bush, he could be slammed pretty hard with real facts and actions, but it seems that the libs like him dwell on the silly.
RE: studdering on part throttle

Hey, Tug and Sparky, can you spare a few bucks?.....I need some cigarette and beer money till my first of the month check hits..

First you have to fill out the correct forms and state just what you need then we can do what we can do! OK

PS what is your race and on what house top can we find you? hehehe tug

what is your race
uhh...the "human race"

Tug, just so you know for sure 90Xjay=Sarcasm X 100

All in the name of good,clean, AMERICAN fun....

and in the words of my drunk Uncle Roger when my aunt hit him over the head at a family reunion..........


Re: RE: Are tj rims and yj rims interchangeable?

BTW.... I like TC could give you a list of several things the President Bush has done or not done that has truly disappointed me since he has been in office, but I don't place undo blame on the man for things he just did not do all on his own. Like the mess with FEMA, not responding fast enough, many say because of being under the control of the Homeland Security office. Bush only signs the legislation, our senators and congressmen voted for it in the first place. They are equally responsible. Replublicans and Democrats.

I'll make you a deal, if you can get Zell Miller to run for President, I would proudly cast my vote for that man, who is a Democrat.

President Bush has had two very historical and enormous events occur while in office, God will judge him on how he governed. Like Tug said, pray for God to give them wisdom.
RE: Re: RE: Are tj rims and yj rims interchangeable?

90Xjay said:
if you can get Zell Miller to run for President, I would proudly cast my vote for that man, who is a Democrat.

Zell is the man!
Tug, as always, you state your (our) case so eloquently......language I can understand. I am not a debater and fail miserably when I try. I, like you, have never trusted this man (Bush) and from what I've seen so far, I believe my feelings were well founded. As far as the rest of the debate goes and placing the blame here and there and what not, 'bout all I can say is.....when the team's goin' down, the coach is the first to go.

RE: Google Earth Locations


Charlton Heston For President!
Because some of our opponents need a good ol'fashion ARSE kicking!
RE: Bush

prariepunk said:

Charlton Heston For President!
Because some of our opponents need a good ol'fashion ARSE kicking!

I was gonna say ya can't have a dead guy for president, but then I remembered Gerald Ford...... :shock:
RE: The Greatest Movie Line .... Ever

I was gonna say ya can't have a dead guy for president

I hadn't heard anything about Charlton Heston dying. I know he has alzheimers, but I thought he was still alive.

mud4feet said:
'bout all I can say is.....when the team's goin' down, the coach is the first to go.

Then the Governor of LA and the Mayor of N.O. ought to go down. You know, the ones that:

Held the fleet of school buses because she wanted FEMA to bring Greyhounds.

Made the Red Cross (who were on location the next day) wait.

Turned away the first food supplies for the Superdome because it was a "last resort" shelter which was not supposed to provide food and water according to guidelines.

...but it was all George Bush's fault because he doesn't support black people.
RE: Dangerous

...but it was all George Bush's fault because he doesn't support black people.

I see now your starting to understand this better. Everything is his fault.
The grocery store was our of ButterPecan Ice cream last night.
Bush's fault...
RE: Re: RE: I finally found the Video

I'm sorry, I stand corrected... he doesn't care about black people.

Thank you Kayne West for clearing that up. I am now among the enlightened.


TwistedCopper said:
mud4feet said:
'bout all I can say is.....when the team's goin' down, the coach is the first to go.

Then the Governor of LA and the Mayor of N.O. ought to go down. You know, the ones that:

Held the fleet of school buses because she wanted FEMA to bring Greyhounds.

Made the Red Cross (who were on location the next day) wait.

Turned away the first food supplies for the Superdome because it was a "last resort" shelter which was not supposed to provide food and water according to guidelines.

...but it was all George Bush's fault because he doesn't support black people.

The only comment I have to that is that I take great offence to you throwing the race issue in after quoting me. I have made/will make no reference to race because color does not matter to me. Your self-righteous attitude has finally struck a nerve.
Woah, Mud... that had nothing to do with you at all. I threw that in tounge in cheek fron the other thread about this guy:

really, it was totally unrelated.