Hey Sully!


New member
I'd like to say congrats to you and everyone in California! YOU HAVE JUST BEEN TERMINATED! LOL sorry, I had to say it. What do you think about Arnold being your governer? -Mike :D

Arnold is definetly capable of raising money for california.After all,he came to america with shirt on his back and $20.Oh,and we like call him the "govenator".
I think is suites him very well. :D Sully
I agre it is a toss up he will do real good or real bad. Rather than pck on the big kid to see if he will fight I think it is time to give him a chance. It is as scary as the Ragan days of the white house "shiver second only to the Bush days one and two" but he may actually pull this one off. Tug
I don't live in CA anymore, and until that doof is out I probably won't go back. I lived in NORcal and they all have a MUCH different take on the whole recall thing. Set's a bad president, and will probably be just the first of many to come.

Plus, Arnold doesn't have any business in office. He has no poli-savy, and avoids topic-related questions by using his movie catch phrases. I have a thing about having my leaders be smarter than atleast half of the populace.

There are already petition organizations set up to collect for the next recall. It's just going to cost my beloved state more money. Sad.

Whooooaahh. Mingez is a buzz kill! :) I'll step off of my box now...just my 2 cents.

Better than Reagan years though! (aka the Dark Ages)

mingez said:
Plus, Arnold doesn't have any business in office. He has no poli-savy, and avoids topic-related questions by using his movie catch phrases.

Oh, but he is an actor, and all politicians are actors.

Arnold has made promises I'm not sure if he can keep. He needs to get all the far right Republicians to move closer to the middle, and in CA that's going to be pretty tough. Not to mention the CA budget, which I believe is due in 1 month. You need to be GOD to get that state back on track. But, like they say MA is only 1 footstep behind. I wonder if Marky Mark with run for gov. when Romney gets called by Bush!

Could you imagine, Marky Mark and the Massachusetts Bunch. It would be great.
Could you imagine, Marky Mark and the Massachusetts Bunch. It would be great.

Sadly, not too out of the question.

CA would be fine budget wise if they just split the damn thing in half: North and South. Norcal would be fine, SoCal would go bankrupt.