iPhone, iPod or iPad?


New member
I am looking at new phones and am trying to figure out what I want? What are some ups and downs of each of these?

I've got a Droid 2 and like it. If you enjoy tinkering with stuff, and don't mind if you get the occasional hiccup then Android is the OS for you.

If you just want the phone to work, then get an Iphone4 - my wife has one and likes it.
droid is verizon, sprint, att, and whatever other phone company you can think of. iphone is exclusive to att, but there has been talk about verizon getting it too. I personally think the iphone is over rated. If i were to get something i would get an android or a blackberry.

iPhone is both Att and Verizon now.

My take is that the iPhone is more polished, while the Android gives your more control and the ability to change more things.

You really have to try both yourself to get a feel for them.

The real difference comes down to coverage. I have the iPhone but my signal sucks at my house, so I end up hating the phone. The 3G/4g stuff is all overrated considering there are only like 5 major cities in the world with 4g coverage, meaning it won't effect most of us! But the rumor is the iPhone 5 will possibly be here in Sept, so u might wanna hold out because they say it's gonna be a pretty good upgrade to os5.
I love my Droid X.

If you use apple PC I would go with an I phone.I phone and MAC's can do a lot together.Things you have on your pc will also be on your phone and vice-verse.
don't get a cliq or anything with motoblur. motoblur sucks and slows the phone down a lot.

if you want the best of everything, get a cheapo phone for talking and an ipod touch 4 for playing. you can hack it and do all kinds of things. my family has an iphone 3gs, not hacked, an iphone 3g, hacked, two ipod touch 4, all hacked. we play all kinds of games on them and i use my touch4 at work for all kinds of stuff

and i have hte cliq that i told you not to get. it has an issue with humidty and heat in the summer and loses sound. all the people i know with cliqs have the same problem

superj said:
don't get a cliq or anything with motoblur. motoblur sucks and slows the phone down a lot.

if you want the best of everything, get a cheapo phone for talking and an ipod touch 4 for playing. you can hack it and do all kinds of things. my family has an iphone 3gs, not hacked, an iphone 3g, hacked, two ipod touch 4, all hacked. we play all kinds of games on them and i use my touch4 at work for all kinds of stuff

That was one of my original plans. One question. When the iPod is hacked, can you still sync it to a computer?

I was told not to with my phone.

And if I were to get a normal phone, should I get the new iPod, or the new iPad?
If you're going with Apple then get the iPhone 4. I'd rather just carry one device instead of two.

iPod touch is only wifi (computer / 802 wireless), so you'll only be on the internet at home / starbucks
iPad is the same unless you pay for 3G coverage, so you'll have to spend ~$30 every month to get your iPad online.

iPhone 4 will have you online everywhere you go.
you could do the iphone 4 deal also to just have one thing. i am goingto do the cheapo phone way and cheapo service and save the extra money not going to the cell company for me and use my ipod anywhere that has wifi. i don't get on the net while driving and i have tons of games for when i am not in a wifi area.

yes, you can still sync to itunes but if you run ubuntu, they figured out how to let you access all the stuff on the ipod/iphone without using itunes. i like their way better because itunes is a pain in the ass

I've had an iphone 3g (that's 2 generations old compared to the iphone 4 for those of you keeping score at home) for over two years now. It has been dropped, submerged, kicked, thrown, and bitten (mostly by my two year old - really, the screen cover has bite marks in it). It has definitely taken a lickin' and has kept on tickin'. I haven't replaced it because it still works well. I'm due for an upgrade with ATT now, but I'm probably going to wait until the fall, because the rumor is that the next generation iphone 4 will be coming out, and they'll probably drop the price on the current model. It's easy to use, has great functionality - from the ipod to web browsing, multiple email accounts, calendar - all make it great for work. It will be very hard for me to ever go to another platform for cell service.
Can you still sync a phone that has been hacked?

I don't know man. I've never tried to jailbreak mine. I know people who have, and they've had some major problems - like phone not starting up, crashing, etc. I'm pretty sure ATT will not help you with any troubleshooting or other problems if you jailbreak the phone.

Can you still sync a phone that has been hacked?

Yes, you can sync a jailbroken phone with iTunes. You can do anything a non-jailbroken phone can do except upgrade to a new firmware, because it will become un-jailbroken.