Why did I loose all of my posts?


New member
RE: welding spider gears

I haven't been on here in a long time, I can see the changes but why would I loose all of my posts, I had almost 1000?

It was a while ago, and there were some adjustments made to the software. Everyone lost there post count. Post count doesn't matter anyway. But I'm sure that if you PM Terry, he'll adjust it for you.

RE: Re: RE: Why did I loose all of my posts?

mingez said:
...........Post count doesn't matter anyway.........

I think the only count that matters is "1" - and givin' the big Jeepz welcome. After that, it's all just fluff.
Re: Mingez went wheeling today. ***Warning!!! LOTS of pics

I meant that, post counts don't matter. Quaility not Quantity. When all is said and done, I only have like 68 posts... maybe 69.
Warn Trans4mer grill guard

I sure hope they don't matter, I've been left in the dust on my post count....

Reguardless, I've added 1000 to your post count. Christmas come early.
