Switching out V6 for Straight 6


New member
Just found this forum. I need advice on saving my 88 Jeep Wagoneer Limited which I love. Front end collision will cost in excess of $3500 to repair. His insurance offered $1500. I found an 86 "twin" with bad engine for $250 but has the smaller V6. Am told the pcm is the real problem to just dropping my engine in the 86. Any advice or have there been other posts I could review? If I can't switch engines could I switch out the body? Otherwise I use the 86 as a donor and part it out but the price for the work is still high.

The '86 engine compartment isn't long enough for your I-6, they changed the grill and the firewall in '87 or '88 to fit the longer engine.

Welcome to the Z.