New Jeep, New Pics >.<


New member
Finally got the Jeep out to the salt flats... been waiting for the water level to go down a little bit... enjoy

^favorite one


You mean there's a jeep in there somewhere:shock::D

I know what you mean bout waiting for the water level to go down, we got about a foot of rain over here in Sebring a week ago, waiting for the water to sink in a bit at the local mudhole lol and ya, Florida girls lol
I know what you mean bout waiting for the water level to go down, we got about a foot of rain over here in Sebring a week ago, waiting for the water to sink in a bit at the local mudhole lol and ya, Florida girls lol

yeah with the salt flats the trail runnin to them, if the water level is too high, i slick out... mainly cause i need new tires lol... but hey, semi bald tires are insanely great for spraying other ppls vehicles. lol

and as far as cleanup, after i go to the salt flats i head east to sabal cause all the water there is fresh rain water... it just doesnt really drain anywhere... cleans off real good.. lol