87' YJ stolen! Picture of thief in this thread!


New member
At my cousin's house for a mud bog birthday party. My cousin lives 4 houses down on the other side of the road. There was enough other rigs there so I didn't wheel my highway Jeep and get embarrassed. When I go to leave this guy was in the seat, passed out, ignition on, and had my Jeep in gear. (Automatic)

I asses the situation, wake him up and ask to borrow the shovel I had in the back. (I spoke to him like he was the owner of the Jeep) He gladly loaned my shovel. Once he got out and handed me my shovel is when he "fell" on the shovel, cutting his nose. The sheriff showed up, he had a warrant for failure to appear and he went to jail. End of story.

Until I got subpoenaed to testify against him in court. I'm very surprised that the DA is going after it and I am very satisfied that they are. September 19th, 2013 I have been commanded to appear.

to be continued...........
I hope he's being traded for a pack of smokes at this very minute, I hate a theif. Were you going to beat him with your shovel or bury him?

Wow. That's crazy.
Was he passed out drunk in the seat?

Yes. I think I got lucky there. If he would have been sober, it would have been gone. I don't know how long he was in it but it was parked there for about two hours...

I hope he's being traded for a pack of smokes at this very minute

He must have bonded out because I don't see him in the inmate roster. He bonded out when he was arrested but he showed up again on the roster for another failure to appear on a duii. Clackamas County Sheriff's Office - Inmates I hope he shows up for court as I will be missing an entire day of work for it. (I usually leave at 2 am for work, logger) I would need to be back in town by 6 to make it to the court house on time. I figure it will take about an hour, drive an hour back to my house and another hour back to the woods it will be 10 or 11. We are on level II fire and have a 1pm shutdown. Not worth it only work two hours. My subpeona paper says I need to call in the night before, just like jury duty.

Glad to hear how lucky you were - I just bought a 97 Wrangler (my first Jeep, I'm such a proud parent), when I ran the VIN check it had been stolen twice and broken into twice, all up around Issaquah... Even though it looks like the owners had it repaired under insurance, I am now spending some time and money going through and replacing parts, and will have to get the drivers door re-hung.