Anybody fly RC planes?


New member
I just bought a lightweight trainer.
I have not flown RC in over 10 years and I want to get started again and get my son into it.

It seem like electric is the way to go these days with those new brushless motors the flight times are up to 15 minutes and no gas or chicken sticks.

When we lived in Missouri there was an RC field not far from our house.
I used to take the kids out there and we would watch them for hours! It is a lot of fun to watch but, probably a heck of alot more fun to fly them!

It would be a good way to spend some quality time with your son.
90, so I will assume with these new motors that you don't have to risk your fingers starting them up like the old gas ones. LOL, I barely remember those days using your finger to crank the prop and hoping you get the finger out of the way before it went full tilt. Sure was a nice smell though.
90, so I will assume with these new motors that you don't have to risk your fingers starting them up like the old gas ones. LOL, I barely remember those days using your finger to crank the prop and hoping you get the finger out of the way before it went full tilt. Sure was a nice smell though.

Yeah, we made chicken sticks out of dowel rods and rubber hose to do that with if we couldn't afford an electric starter

With the electrics you don't need to carry all of that stuff with you when you go out like you do with a glow engine

here is the trainer I bought to get my feet wet again
I'll plan on handing this one off to my son and get me a Cub or Cessna

So..........can you get them with weapons mounted?? Man, now THAT would be FUN!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, 90, that's a great thing to do with your son. Bonding....ahhh.....nothing better (and I know he's gotta love it - I would've at that age!!!). My son's 25 now and I'm wishing we'd have done more of that (had some cheapo RC cars which was fun). You did get one for Dad, too, right???
So..........can you get them with weapons mounted?? Man, now THAT would be FUN!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know you were joking, but I have actually seen an r/c plane that was rigged to drop small firecracker 'bombs', and the guy who built it was experimenting with model rocket engine powered missiles. Unfortunately, I have no pictures.

I've never flown R/C planes myself, but I used to be big into higher-end R/C cars and trucks. I had an old Associated RC-10 that was modified into a nascar-type car that I raced at a local R/C track a few times. Then I got a couple Bolink Legends cars that I raced and had some success with. After that I got a Traxxas Rustler truck when they first came out and built it up to race off-road, but the local track closed down before I finished building it. So I took it to the local BMX track and had fun with it. The last R/C car I bought was a Traxxas Stampede monster truck. It was fun to mess around with. I bought the Parma "Bigfoot" replica body and painted/detailed it to look exactly like Bigfoot. I still have all of the cars except for the RC-10. The Stampede is the only one that might still run. The Legends cars need new electronics, and the Rustler was totally disassembled down to the nuts and bolts for cleaning after the last time I ran it (probably 10 years ago) and it never got reassembled. I still have the bags of parts, but I dont know if I could remember how to put it all back together again:?| .

funny thing you should ask that mud

Watch this guy on youtube
He built a B-29 with what looks like a 12 foot wingspan and he also built a scale model of Chuck Yeagers X-1 that he broke the sound barrier in
what it and pay attention to what happens, this guy has had way too much free time.:D

[YT="B29 with X-1 rocket plane"]fSNYk4L3XEg[/YT]
I have a glider and some large RC planes, but I prefer smaller park flyers. I have 2 park flyers now.

Last time I wqas out at an RC "Airport," I saw 2 large really custom planes smack into each other sending debris over a large area. There were some bad feelings. We were able to keep the 2 opposing parties apart.

It happens! "Proceed at your own risk!"

Oh, yeah... Get extra batteries...
I have a glider and some large RC planes, but I prefer smaller park flyers. I have 2 park flyers now.

Last time I wqas out at an RC "Airport," I saw 2 large really custom planes smack into each other sending debris over a large area. There were some bad feelings. We were able to keep the 2 opposing parties apart.

It happens! "Proceed at your own risk!"

Oh, yeah... Get extra batteries...

here are out city RC airpark you are required to have the AMA license which is just extra insurance to pay if you crash somebody else.

I bought a Sky Fly cause I wanted a standard tail and elevator.
I didn't like the v-tail that much, not enough control in slight breezes.

The rudder/elevator is much more responsive

what park flyers do you have Charlie?

I have two. One is the park flyer from Harbor Freight. It works great and is a lot of fun. It is a V tail. My only real complaint is I can't get another battery for it. I am planning on taking it to Moab and flying it by the river.

The same is true here for the RC airport. You do get the magazine for the term of the license, though! If there is insurance, on the bigger rigs they are labors of love and it can be shattering to have them flying one moment and the next seeing it as pieces falling from the sky!

The other is also a V-tail. I don't remember the name, though.

Our RC airport is at Chatfield lake state park.

Fun, aren't they?
Yes, I am having a blast getting back into it.

I want to get a this .40 size Hobbico Electric trainer called Electra star EP

Yeah i used to fly. If you are near the houston area I have 4 planes in my garage that I could sell you. I have a 3d electric, 90 funtana, 40 edge and a gas trainer, will sell with a futaba 7 cap. Even with the ARF you still spend about 10hrs putting them together. Electric is great only problem is dodging light poles and parked cars, but yeah you do cut your fingers with electric when you start trying to catch them instead of landing them.
Unless you can find a deserted road to land your trainer on I would recommend getting the AMA license. In Houston there are some free airfields were you dont have to be a member to fly, just AMA member. Flying on your own is like 4x4ing on your own, fun but better with company.
There is a big difference between 3 ch and 4 ch planes. I would recommend getting a simulator before you fly. You just have to press the button if you crash and dont have to spend 4 hours rebuilding your plane.

Have always wanted to get into that! What's the cost of a descent starter?
Mingez you can get a decent electric 3 channel trainer for $100

try tower hobbies or red rocket hobby or hobby lobby

I tried starting with a 2 channel and they are too slow to respond plus you don't have a true elevator which sucks if you need altitude in a hurry.

two that come to mind are the Hobbico Sky Fly and the Hobby Lobby Dragon fly

it is a blast to learn and do
I have the software for RC flying.

If you can, do get the software. It is like a flight simulator but with RC planes being simulated.

Any one watch the show "rob and big"? its about a rich skate boarder and his bestfriend/body guard. well anyways they went to a hobby shop and bought 2 rc helicopters worth about 200 bucks each. when they got home they smashed both up in the matter of 10 minutes. they then returned to the store and purchased ten more! i wish i had that dollo to spend on the jeep!