Drilling new hole for seatbelt?


New member
Hey, guys! I recently stripped my interior and Herc'd. One of the many, but most important, bolts didnt want to come out. It's the bolt that holds the seatbelt mechanism to the inside of the Jeep tub. It's right below the door striker, has a triangle cut into the metal for a tab that fits into it and then about 2 inches below it is where the bolt goes in. I've been told that there's 2 kinds of YJ seatbelt bolting spots, so I just wanted to clarify. Well, I ended up hacking the old seatbelt out, ground the head off of the bolt, drilled through it many times, broke many easy outs, heated, sprayed, and eventually got an easy out broken off in there. Is there still hope for that hole? Should I drill a new hole right next to it and use a nut and washer on the inside to hold the new bolt? If I do drill a new hole rightt next to the old one can I still use that triangle cut out for the tab or will it mess up how the seatbelt works? Anybody ever in my shoes? Thanks! -Mike

I do know that you want the housing that holds the seatbelt to be very close to perfectly vertical or it will give you grief retracting. But if you are gonna drill a new hole just make sure you use a nice large washer and nut in the back, with a good grade 8 bolt. That bolt is the main mounting spot of the belt, the little triangle hole isnt as important.