Geez... And I thought this area was safe.


New member
The other day I came home to find my wife in a bit of a tissy. She had said that as she was washing the dishes she saw someone walk through our backyard. I told her that it was more than likely one of the 'meter readers' for the utility company, and that it was probably nothing to worry about. Well, my neighbor just called a little while ago and said that this morning around 4:00 a.m. she was woke from her sleep by her friends pounding on her door, telling her that they just caught some guy hangin' around her bedroom window. A swift call to the police dept. (that showed up 3 hours later) and we were informed that there have been quite a few calls this week of a peeping tom in the area.

The whole reason we moved to this part of the county was that there hadn't been any reports of major theft, vandalism or anything other than some good ol' boys throwing a bash of a BBQ. We're about to put the house up for sale and now we have to contend with this. Now whenever I leave the house I constantly look around to make sure there isn't anyone around. Not to mention the fact that each night I have to make sure to check on every 'POP' and 'SNAP' that comes from outside so my wife can sleep peacefully.

I've got a nice, BIG surprise for the guy that's been popping his perverted little peepers into our windows.... Which brings me to this question. Does anyone happen to recall a law about bleodgening someone senseless with a large blunt object?

Do you have a dog? Get a dog. Good for barking and scaring away would be peeps. You can also pile his crap under your window and hope the peep steps in it. Might smell a little for you at first, but I'm sure he won't be coming to your window again.
the problem with the law is that especially if this guy is just a peeping tom, and isn't carrying a weapon, if you use any weapon (blunt object or gun) against him, he could then turn around and sue you. messed up law, and i'm not saying not to protect you and yours at all, but don't go overboard, and hopefully the law will get there faster if there has to be a next time.

remember to follow the part of the directions that say "front toward enemy"
Heres what i have seen people do in the past. Take a 2X4 piiece of wood and drive some long nails thru it. burry the board in the dirt below you windows. At night peeping Tom gets a really nice surprise and he won't be able to run too quickly to get away. If your lucky he may leave a trail to his hideout (house) and some DNA for prosecution if he does something other than peep. As for the lawsuit thing, gotta do what you gotta do to save your family. Anyone can sue for anything, but not everyone wins.
Sparky, I can always count on you to be creative :) My only problem with that route of home security is that I'm a little too lazy to go out and clean the mess... maybe that's where the dog idea could come in. Your idea might not be a bad one, dropseys. I have plenty of scrap wood from the remodeling project and a heck-of-a-lot of nails. Hmmmm, I think I'll talk to my wife about the whole 'nail in the boards' technique.

Actually, you could combine all three. Wire the claymore to the board with the nails, and let the dog clean up the mess......ya wouldn't have to buy any dog food for a while.
In texas, if he is on your property and will not leave, you can shoot him. So, just make sure you ask him to leave real quick and then "say hello to my little friend."

Not sure what the laws are here in PA, but my philosophy is if there is some freak tresspassing and snooping around my wife and kids then shoot first and ask questions later. A good clean shot will help avoid a bad mess.

Oh, and having a clean "throw-down" weapon helps with the legalities.
thats what i like about tx laws u can shoot them outside the house 12 gauge pump with .0 or.00 buckshot does the trick every time if its one of the neighbors in the area go outside w/pump and just run a few shell thru the chamber get everybodys attention

txbill said:
thats what i like about tx laws u can shoot them outside the house 12 gauge pump with .0 or.00 buckshot does the trick every time if its one of the neighbors in the area go outside w/pump and just run a few shell thru the chamber get everybodys attention

You might want to read your laws; your notions could end up with you in prison. You can shoot individuals that are a threat outside the house under certain conditions, remember shooting a drunken kid who stopped to pee in your shrubbery is most definitely manslaughter.

Discharging a firearm into the air to harass your neighbor who arguably trespassed would most likely be illegal under most every circumstance as well; plus would be subject to escalation of penalty if you discharge, or are perceived to discharge, over a public right-of-way or within 300 feet of a school.

Seems to me that being a peeping tom is not an offense that would warrant anyone acting as an impromptu executioner.
BATAVIA, Ohio (AP) -- A man who neighbors say was devoted to his meticulously kept lawn was charged with murder in the shooting of a 15-year-old boy who apparently walked across his yard.

Charles Martin called 911 on Sunday afternoon, saying calmly: "I just killed a kid."

Police, who released the call's contents, said Martin also told the dispatcher: "I've been harassed by him and his parents for five years. Today just blew it up." (Watch for the 911 call from the accused shooter -- 1:46)

Larry Mugrage, whose family lived next door, was shot in the chest with a shotgun. The high school freshman was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Martin, 66, allegedly told police he had several times had problems with neighbors walking on his lawn. He remained jailed without bond Monday. His jailers said no attorney was listed for him.

Neighbors said Martin lived alone quietly, often sitting in front of his one-story home with its neat lawn, well-trimmed shrubbery and flag pole with U.S. and Navy flags flying.

Joanne Ritchie, 46, said Mugrage was known as "a good kid." She said she always also considered Martin to be friendly.
There's a difference between some nutcase shooting a kid and defending your family. I have a wife and 2 daughters and if some dude was trying to "peep" in on them at our home and I caught him he'd be leaving on a stretcher - either by asswhoopin or bullet, depending on what kind of immediate threat was presented to me and/or my family. My wife is a pretty good shot, too.

Peeping may seem harmless to you or others, but someone acting like that would likely be considering taking it a step further to assault.

In a situation like that your actions are critical, both for your safety and for legal ramifications. The best I could do is use my judgement and that's what I would do, but I would not let harm come to myself or my family for fear of legal action.
It’s the testosterony shoot first attitude that will send you to prison when you shoot the meter reader who was running behind on his route. Try and find a news article where someone shot an unarmed person for trespass (not home invasion) and didn't end up in prison.

As a gun owner it is your responsibility to know the laws that apply to your ownership and use of your firearms, it's sad that you don’t (Especially if you hang out on thehighroad). You know the word "responsibility" was coined more or less in the Federalist Papers which led to the approval of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights that affirms your right to firearm ownership.

Plus if you don't know what laws already exist in regards to your firearms, you most assuredly aren’t aware of any legislation seeking to remove or limit your rights.

I'm all for defending your family and am well prepared to defend mine. All I'm suggesting is that a person use sound judgment when assessing the threat level and be very familiar with the laws of your state and municipality. Get some training, read a book. Why would you spend more time deciding what to get for lunch at Taco Bell than learning about very serious laws that could have very serious ramifications on you and your family, it only takes a couple minutes to review your states laws (exempting California, Illinois, and New Mexico) and they're all available on-line.
Our Governor, Kathleen Sebelius, has just vetoed the concealed carry law for the second time in as many years. Kansas is one of 4 states that still has no CC laws. However, both the house and the senate have vowed to vote to override her veto this time, and the original votes on the bill showed more than enough supporters to successfully override a veto....providing they don't change their mind before the vote. We should know within a few days if they decide to override it. If they do, I'll be the first in line to get my CCP.

OutOfStep said:
Plus if you don't know what laws already exist in regards to your firearms, you most assuredly aren’t aware of any legislation seeking to remove or limit your rights.
Well we just moved here a few months ago. I know well the laws in MD, but honestly have been bogged down with renovating and selling my old house in MD and really haven't had the time. Rest assured that I will know the laws soon enough. I'm a guy who likes to do his homework. Wow, I never would have said that when I was in school :D