guess that dictator/sit com character

RE: Re: RE: S N O W ! ! !

eat_sleep_jeep said:
Check this out, its been occupying my time for the past half hour.

WARNING! do not click if you have a task to complete.

All I got was this:

<html><head><meta NAME="copyright" CONTENT="smalltime industries" NAME="description" CONTENT="smalltime industries web site bringing you the latest in information, disinformation, games, and art" NAME="keywords" CONTENT="theroadtonowhere, games, dada, guess the dictator/sit-com character, find the spam, haiku, unchat, fiction, poetry, anonymous messages"><title>Guess the Dictator or Sit-Com Character</title></head><frameset rows="*,25" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" border="0">
<!-- frame src="/perl/dictator" name="main" scrolling="auto" marginheight="1" marginwidth="1" -->
<!-- frame src="/dictator/dictator_first.html" name="main" scrolling="auto" marginheight="1" marginwidth="1" -->
<frame src="" name="main" scrolling="auto" marginheight="1" marginwidth="1">
<frame src="/nav.html" name="navigation" scrolling="no">
<noframes><body>Welcome to the Guess the Dictator/Sit-Com Character game.
This frame's contents are:<P>
<a href="">
<!-- a href="/dictator/dictator_first.html" -->
<!--a href="/perl/dictator"-->
main page</a><br>navigation page<br></body></noframes></frameset>

Didn't waste much of my time on that, lemme tell ya! :lol:
Ok...I found's the link in the last part of what I posted above in the "href" brackets.....pretty cool, but I stumped it with "Roy DeSoto" from Emergency!! My first one was Jody from Family Affair with Brian Keith, only it called him "Joey".....wasn't it Buffy and Jody? That's how I remember it....but now I'm showing my age.
RE: Fuel system...

but I stumped it with "Roy DeSoto" from Emergency

I am not sure the game considers that show a "sit-com"
I thought of some good ones too, but the shows weren't sit coms so I don't think it would work.

eat_sleep_jeep said:
WARNING! do not click if you have a task to complete.

Boy, you aren't kidding about that warning!

I had seen it before and still played for about an hour!!

I couldn't stump it.
AAK! It got me, I was the Professor from Gilligan's Island. That's cool, it was asking all sorts of questions, then BAM, right there...
RE: Re: guess that dictator/sit com character


I take that back.
I have tried other characters from different shows, like The Dukes of Hazzard and many others.

That thing is quite extensive............. and time consuming.

I really had to quit when it said "Hello Dave" over my speakers!!!! :lol: :wink:

ROF! I saw this earlier and thought what the hay but I was working. I just tried it an it guessed my first one! How cool is that? LOL Fun!

EDIT---AHA I stumped it with my second one! LOL

RE: thanks for the positive comments on the Rubi

...Curses, it got my Punky Brewster one too... Game's good.
Hah! It guessed the Professor, it guess Punky Brewster, it guessed Alf, it guessed Bart Simpson, but it couldn't get Malcolm, from Malcolm in the Middle!

why am I still up playing this?