I need your Prayers

Just wanna say a big, hearty Jeepz "THANK YOU!!!" to all of you for your prayers and kind wishes. I just got a phone call from a landscaping company offering me a job! I've interviewed with them twice, and been on the phone with them 3 times in the past few weeks. Eventually, my position will be an "Irrigation Field Service Tech", but right now, all those positions are filled, but a guy is leaving them in a few weeks or so. Until then, I won't know what I'll be doing until my meeting with them tomorrow at 11am. They told me that they were impressed enough with my interviews that they will "fast track" me into a supervisor position.

I know this wouldn't have happened without the power of prayer and positive thinking, so again, thank you all!!! :D
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Help i might be losing my jeep..

Sparky- Mudman and I are both thrilled that you have been offered this wonderful opportunity. Sometimes it's so hard to keep the faith going- but the pay off is always great.
Congratulations- and a big hug to Sunshine.

Radio Wiring Diagram

on a late entry note to cell phones, Yeah pre-paid is the way to go. I had a cell when I turned 18 and broke it playing air-hockey, I had accidental insurance and got another for $50. . . I hit it with a lawn-mower on accident (working Landscaping) and that was the last one of those I had! But the "Early Termination Fee" was like $200 or so! ! ! They're gonna try and get money ANY way possible
wanted transmission help

Sparky, you know we are all here for you just as you would be for us! I'm happy for you getting your new position because YOU deserve it!!! They are lucky to have you!

Congrats Sparky!! I hope you enjoy it and everything continues to work you for you. :D
RE: Need stock spring part numbers

I'm a "SUPER-visor" too, Hope you have as much if not more luck with it as I have. Hope you make enough to keep your stuff. This summer I get to work about 45-60hrs. a week, hope you stay this busy. Great money and little time for ME to spend it (my lovely wife :wink: ). But she did just but "ME" a set of REVERSABLE rock sliders (for her to use to get in). Well I'm gald to hear that you got a good job, a tough one but a good one if you get into the right company
Re: RE: wanted transmission help

prariepunk said:
But she did just but "ME" a set of REVERSABLE rock sliders (for her to use to get in).

So now you just have to sell her on how much a set of lockers, more power, or any other toys you wnat can contribute to HER comfort. It would obviously have nothing to do with you wanting them for yourself. :lol: :lol:

Re: Radio Wiring Diagram

The meeting this morning went very well, and I have the job I originally interviewed for, irrigation field service tech. I'll be troubleshooting and repairing irrigation systems, have my own company vehicle, and great bennies. Based on my interviews, they have started me at $3 an hour above their normal starting wages!! I start Wednesday at 9:30am for a few weeks of training. I can't wait!!!!

They have a different insurance carrier than my wife's, so if/when she loses her job, that will be a pain having to switch providers, but at least we'll have insurance. She started back to work Monday, but had a bad reaction to the meds and has been home again since noon on Tuesday. Keep her in your prayers, please!
RE: Check out this ebay auction

Just got back from Raleigh and read all the posts and......congrats, Sparky!!!!! I know mudwoman spoke for us both, but thought I'd chime in, too. So............................................how long until the lift? :lol: :lol: :lol:
RE: Tire Pressure?

Got quite a few bills to catch up on before I can even start saving for the lift. Been thinking it over, and I think I'll got with an electric fan first. You know, gotta improve that gas mileage with gas at $2.10 a gallon now and still rising.

Sparky-Watts said:
Got quite a few bills to catch up on before I can even start saving for the lift. Been thinking it over, and I think I'll got with an electric fan first. You know, gotta improve that gas mileage with gas at $2.10 a gallon now and still rising.

I hear THAT!!!!!! Isn't it great knowin' that even our little 4banger stockers will still kick arse off the pavement!!!
RE: Tire Pressure?

Oh, yeah!! I'm just glad to have a job now so that I can get the bills paid and actually look forward to more mods!!
Re: RE: Re: SM420 Transmission

Hey, just caught up to this post, congratulations! I am very glad to hear that you got a good job, and all shall be well... Kinda renews my faith in the fact that good things CAN happen to good people! I hope your good wife is feeling better, send her my best thoughts and wishes.

Congratulation on your new job. I'm so happy for you and your family. Best thoughts from my wife and I. Keep us updated on your mods. Just bought my 1" body lift kit. :D
RE: Re: RE: Back to Virginia

TC, that's one that I've been looking at. I'm wanting one with both a thermostat and a manual switch on the dash.

Sparky-Watts said:
I'm wanting one with both a thermostat and a manual switch on the dash.

That is definatly the way to go. That way you don't even have to worry about it except for when you hit the deep water.

And Congratulations on the new job!! The company vehicle part is cool cause then you can save the Jeep for the mud :lol: .
RE: tire question

They make an optional switch but I made my own with a toggle switch and some wire from home depot. Thiers uses a nice harness and a built in relay, probably the better way to go.