JKS Quick Disconnect Installation


New member
I had a local company install my JKS Quicker Disconnects yesterday. For those of you familiar with the JKS Discos, there is a U-shaped piece on top that is supposed to be mounted on top of the swaybar. The instructions clearly say "do not mount U-strap below swaybar". Well, after inspecting the discos today, I noticed that the left is mounted on top like the instructions say, but the right one is mounted under. This has got me real concerned since it's against the manufacturer's instructions.

Also, I have a 2" spacer lift and the discos aren't even adjusted out at all. They are all the way screwed in.

Did I get a shoddy installation? Or is there something else I should know about?

can you snap a few pics ? Sounds like a shady deal...
You need to switch that one to the top. it is a shoddy install. That U-bracket can break under strain. it only takes a couple tools to get it done. I did my install myself so I know what you are speaking of. take it back to hem and tell them to put it on right or take the 20 riding time and do it yourself.

Spoke with the installation technician today about the U-strap. He said that it definitely should be installed on top of the swaybar and that the person installing it probably wasn't paying attention. He said to bring it in whenever I wanted and they would install it correctly. It worries me that an off-roading store that does these installations everyday didn't get it right the first time. However, they are willing to correct it ASAP and it could have been a slight mistake. Thanks for your replies, sorry I didn't get any pictures up before I got it resolved. I might just post some just so everyone can see how NOT to install them.