Lincoln Locker pics

mingez said:
I think I'm gonna do it.
Why not?!?!?!?

White said:
Whats a matter Mc Fly ???
LOL... Nice "Back to the Future" Reference. But yeah... very. Only cause it's a DD. "Bok-Bok." :lol:

I've considered welding my Dana 20 but I'm very conserned about its' effect on steering push. My 76 CJ has a poor turning radius already because of the 15.5"wide Swampers I have on it. I run some very tight wooded trails & rock crawling that requires good turnability. My Honda FL400 Pilot runs a locked rear axle & requires the rear tires to spin out for a tight turn other wise it tries to push it straight.
Don't get me wrong I'm trying to knock this method of locking a diff. It'll work great for those that have narrower tires, plenty of reserve H.P., or slippery surfaces that allow for tire slippage. If the opposite is true your Jeep is going to fight you to go straight. If you have the room it's not a problem if not.......... you tell me what happens next.

I would buy an OX locker... but they don't make one for my 8.25 chryco axle.
toyman said:
It'll work great for those that have narrower tires, plenty of reserve H.P., or slippery surfaces that allow for tire slippage. If the opposite is true your Jeep is going to fight you to go straight.
I have none of the three, and my Lincoln Locker has worked flawlessly for a few years now.
mingez said:
I would buy an OX locker... but they don't make one for my 8.25 chryco axle.

What's with the offroad mod companies' complete disregard for the XJ's 8.25 axle??? There's quite a few of them out there so what's the dilly???

TwistedCopper said:
mingez said:
I would buy an OX locker... but they don't make one for my 8.25 chryco axle.

What's with the offroad mod companies' complete disregard for the XJ's 8.25 axle??? There's quite a few of them out there so what's the dilly???

I know... it's pissing me off.
:evil: :x :(

Well I will have had both and will have one of each by the end of the week and I love 'em both!
Don't get me wrong I'm trying to knock this method of locking a diff. It'll work great for those that have narrower tires, plenty of reserve H.P., or slippery surfaces that allow for tire slippage. If the opposite is true your Jeep is going to fight you to go straight. If you have the room it's not a problem if not.......... you tell me what happens next.
That's way exagerated. It doesn't push any more than a locker. A locker only unlocks during a coast. Usually in the woods you aren't coasting around turns or even going fast enough to coast. So essentially they will perform the same in the woods.
I have had lock rights, Detroits, positracks and welded rear ends and the only one that had no noticeable difference on the road was the positrack. There is a give and take situation here if you want off road and on road performance you have to sacrifice a little of one to make major gains in the other. The only way around this is to bow up and buy the Air locker, E-Locker or Ox Locker.
Just weld it and be done with it! At most you will be out $50 for a carrier and some spider gears. You will have to chunk them for an ARB anyway.
OK, OK, I give up. You guys convinced me to go this route for now. I'm going to the Kansas Krunch for the SWFWDA Spring Quarterly this week & don't have the funds or the time to install a locker. There is only two crawling competition classes; 35s & down or 36s & up. I know I wouldn't have much of a chance at this event without it locked so I welded it up this afternoon with the mig. I'll let you know what I think of it when I return.

i bought my sye to go soa soon.... i think i'll be welding mine... i like the idea of going straight when i want to
Well you guys were right. The welded rear diff. performed off road much better than I would have ever expected. It does seem to be putting a great deal of strain on things when making tight turns on pavement. These well worn 15.5" tires don't like to slip. I'll run it like this till the carrier lets go. I'm not sure about welding the front just yet. I'd really like to install a controlable locker up front. So when the funds are available it'll be a toss up to go for it or a good winch.