mad as $%#.....


New member

I do not intend to offend anyone by saying this. I took a trip to Helen, GA this weekend to fish. I saw alot of nice YJ's and TJ's. The Jeep Wave does not exist to these people driving TJ's. I acknowledged everyone of them with a wave, and I will be damned if only five out of about 35 or so waved back. Does their shit smell like potpouri? This really gets on my nerves. I mean, we all drive Jeeps, we are supposed to have some type of something in common with one another. Sorry if I aggrevated anyone, this does not apply to all TJ owners, but if the shoe fits (you don't wave back) then wear the damn thing!!!! Also, why do people complain about the stiffness/hardness of a Jeep's ride? I heard some people complaining because they had driven a long way to Helen, and they could not believe how rough the ride was in their Jeep and how sore they were from it. When I bought mine, I knew that the Precious piece of Machinery was not a cadillac, it is an OFFROAD BEAST. Quit complaing about the rough ride, mine rides pretty rough but I don't say a word about it. I drove 3-3.5 hours to get to Helen, GA. I don't mean to be rude but people need to realize why they bought the Jeep and not a Limo. See ya'll later

edited by: rtoney9, Jun 14, 2003 - 05:18 PM[addsig]


Easy killer....if you need to vent, we are here for you.....
Just let it all>>>ok feel better......Good :-D [addsig]

you have to understand that there is a diffrence in jeepers, and people who just drive jeeps. there are 8 houses on my street and four jeeps, my cj, a yj, and 2 tjs both owned by girls..... the yj pulled me out once, (with the help of my winch i might add) and the two tjs have never been put in the mud (only close thing we have 'round here) by there owners, and that is fine by me b/c i know they will not own them forever and one day some one who really knows what a jeep, or and REAL 4x4 vehical is will really use them or put them to use. This really isnt that big of a deal to get this damn mad over if you only get 20% of your waves back, i wave when i think about it, and im sure there have been times when people have waved at me, but because i was not paying attention to them i didnt wave back.... get over it...

But you have to remember Helen Ga. is a very touristy area where there are many weekend go till you drop and kill myself to have a bit of fun before I have to go back to my cubical on monday types. Most of the folks you encountered on you trip were either locals working to fule the vistors dreams, or visitors rushing to have a good time at any expence. Helen in not a good place to judge Jeepers or Jeep owners I should say.

My ol pap use to say" Son if you see a man you really do not like walk right up and shake his hand smile and say something nice" "This will prove at least to yourself that you are the better man there" hehehehehe tug[addsig]


Just keep waving and smiling...........that's what I do. Sooner or later they'll get the idea. :cool: [addsig]

I have to agree with the off road beast thing, but ya can't bad mouth all those who dont take their jeeps off road(most of them you can), but since i am only 17, my insurance is out of this world, plus having a 99 cherokee which boosts the insurance up even more, if i break somthing on either one of those things i would go in debt immediatly and i am pretty sure everyone here can agree that insurance sucks on any jeep. but believe me, once i get that lift and tires on, it is definly going to get muddy, even if i have to tow it home, ya dont put a lift and tires on and not get it muddy as hell! [addsig]

I do not intend to offend anyone by saying this. I took a trip to Helen, GA this weekend to fish. I saw alot of nice YJ's and TJ's. The Jeep Wave does not exist to these people driving TJ's. I acknowledged everyone of them with a wave, and I will be damned if only five out of about 35 or so waved back. Does their shit smell like potpouri? This really gets on my nerves. I mean, we all drive Jeeps, we are supposed to have some type of something in common with one another. Sorry if I aggrevated anyone, this does not apply to all TJ owners, but if the shoe fits (you don't wave back) then wear the damn thing!!!! Also, why do people complain about the stiffness/hardness of a Jeep's ride? I heard some people complaining because they had driven a long way to Helen, and they could not believe how rough the ride was in their Jeep and how sore they were from it. When I bought mine, I knew that the Precious piece of Machinery was not a cadillac, it is an OFFROAD BEAST. Quit complaing about the rough ride, mine rides pretty rough but I don't say a word about it. I drove 3-3.5 hours to get to Helen, GA. I don't mean to be rude but people need to realize why they bought the Jeep and not a Limo. See ya'll lateredited by: rtoney9, Jun 14, 2003 - 05:18 PM

Oh come one...tell us how you really feel. :p ;-) [addsig]


even though there should be... there is no contract that people sign when they buy a jeep. not EVERY jeep owner knows of the wave, and some will NEVER figure it out. Some dealers will mention it when they are selling it, it can even be a sales pitch... "you are now getting into something that will link you to every jeep owner on the roads... bla bla bla." But most people don't know about the wave... and if they are not told of it, then they won't know about it... It's probably not their fault that they don't know about the wave, its probably that nobody ever told them.... if you wave, and they see it... chances are they might pick up on it, or they might pick up on it when the next waver catches their attention... its nothing to get angry about, i don't think you go through a lot of trouble to raise that hand

then... with the "rough ride"... that is something i like... i like a stiff suspension... and i agree... when you buy a jeep, you know what you are getting into, you are buying a vehicle that was designed to handle bumps and bruises, not to float over pavement.

I just traded my yj that I had for over ten years for a used tj. (miss the yj) I drove from Dallas to Miami 4 times and the ride never bothered me. I hear people talk about he ride, but I just remind them that I have a convertiable for summer, a 4wd from winter and a reason to get out of the house on the weekends. They have no come back. :cool: [addsig]


People not waving back? This is why your mad?
I forget the wave alot, mostly because i have something else on my mind .....hmmm......what is it?.....oh yea ...DRIVING! I wave when i remember or i see another jeep but once in a while i forget or i am looking at the road. As for your generalization about jeep tj owners.. i've made 1 payment on my 98 tj, had it offroad 3 times. got the pics to prove it click hereto see my latest venture. The other jeep stuck in the 3 foot puudle is my buddy's 97tj.

the more things change...the more they stay the same.[addsig]


but I just remind them that I have a convertiable for summer, a 4wd from winter and a reason to get out of the house on the weekends. They have no come back. :cool:

Very Cool!, :-O :-D :cool:

Let's Remember, she's got it right.

I wave at all Short wheel base Jeeps.
Return rate might be 1 in 5..

I live right in the middle of,

"The Chrysler Triangle"
3 Five Star dealers within
30 minutes, west ,east, north.

I feel your pain...
What do they say when you
climb on top of their hood at lights?

Maybe a different approach is in order..

YOU Jeep well and start your own State Cell.
Solution, not problem.
Meet, Share, Ride, and Wheel.
Teach them the Difference.[addsig]

I try not to miss a wave, sometimes I do. I already informed my daughter about the wave, she's only 10 but when she rides with me she loves being able to spot a jeep and wave to it before I do. [addsig]


Here how about this ...A BIG JEEP WAVE to
everyone that reads this post :-D :-D :-D

Right back at Ya' Lil' Brother. :-D [addsig]

This South Georgia boy can't help but add to this rant. Something I saw the other day may help shed some light on different Jeep owners. I was taking my son to ball practice in the CJ. There is a back road to get there which is all paved EXCEPT for a half mile which is maintained dirt that slowly bends around an old pond. Now you can turn off before you get to this dirt road and take the long way around - probably adds a half mile - and both roads converge at the same spot near the practice field.
We had a TJ a good ways ahead of us before getting to the dirt road. As the TJ encountered the dirt road it put on the brakes backed up and turned around. At first I thought "snake?", "lost?". No. It proceeded to turn down the paved road. I drove down the dirt road to the intersection where the roads converge and waited. I had to know if my hunch was right. Sure enough, here they come down the paved road. I guese they were afraid to get some "trail dust" on their TJ.
Did they get a wave from me? No. These are people who happen to have purchased a Jeep - not Jeepers. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you have to go mudding every weekend or look for endless challenges, but part of owning a Jeep is the attitude, the experience of freedom and knowing you CAN go there and there and there if you choose. But never getting it dirty, or driving without the top? Keeping it as a showpiece to park in the driveway? Far be it from me to judge but just because you bought a ticket to the ballgame doesn't make you a ball player.
Just so you know that I am consistent with my views and criticism, I work with a guy who bought a new Chevy pickup a while back. Won't put anything in the back - might scratch it. I told him he wasted his money buying a TRUCK he won't use - should have bought a trailer instead. Better stop here or I'll be ranting about truck owners!
I'm gonna go finish putting in my TFI upgrade and take a Father's Day ride!


As far as the wave yes some people just never get it. I didn't need anyone to tell me about the wave. I figured it out on my own within a week of buying my Jeep. I knew something was up when most of the Jeeps I drove past waved at me. So I just started waving back and also waved to every Jeep I saw.

Now on to the rough ride. Yes they are rough but you are correct, they are not a cadilac. I know what a long ride feels like. Try 850 miles in 13 hours. But ya know what? I loved driving every mile of it cause I was in my Jeep :-D

Try not to let it get to ya man after all It's a Jeep thing and some Jeep owners will never understand ;-) [addsig]


my sis's boy friend lives in Helen. Are there some good trails there??? I might go down there sometime. [addsig]

I know that not everyone knows about the wave and such...... I just had to get it off my chest and I figured that I could tell everyone here because most know about it and can relate in some way. I will always attempt to wave and keep on wavin', and the quote from "Ol pap,....." is a very good saying. See ya'll. I probably seem like a crazy psychotic person, however I have my faults but am doing well right now. Just had to get it off my chest and tell someone that would somewhat understand me. [addsig]