My jeep from space


New member
RE: Re: alloy axle shafts

Well they updated the satellite photos in my area recently on Google Earth and I think I can see my jeep!!

34° 0'17.49"N

My apartment building is the whitish roof with the red facade on the front. On the street in front of the building and to the right there is a series of cars parked a dark one first, then a light grey one, a black one (my black jeep wrangler?) and a white pickup. The photo is really fuzzy and its pretty hard to tell if it is even a jeep or not, but thats the strip where I park all the time so there's a high probability that it could be. If you can tell either way let me know.

Anyhow thought it was pretty cool. The upgraded sat photos are really sweet.

RE: Best Top 2-Piece Hardtop

that google earth hates me. i play with terraserver.