
New member

hey i just wanted to say that today was the first time i ever drove a jeep , i loved it and ended up going and getting a 2003 wrangler x about an hour later , i hope i can make it to some of the gatherings this summer and hang out with everyone , this whole "scene" looks pretty cool

tom ;-) [addsig]


Hey Cracker where you from. Sounds like you got the bug real fast and in a big way. Finding was a real asset to you. The knowledge base here is second to noe and the people are great. Welcome now get the new off and the mud on that new jeep. tug[addsig]

Welcome to,if you have questions,we will try and provide the answers.This is a great place to share ideas and tips. :wink: Sully[addsig]

Welcome :-D I have had my TJ since 99 and I found this site a couple of months ago and this place rules. All great people with tons of info and ideas[addsig]


welcome to the trail... you have certainly chosen the right group of jeepers to join... you won't be let down with the quality of friends you will be making here[addsig]

Well welcome to the family. OlllllO :cool:
Hope to be able to meet some of you if you aver venture up north..
Happy Trails... :cool: [addsig]


welcome to the O|||||O family we stick together around here so go with the flow But Make sure your in 4wd first!
:-D O|||||O :evil: [addsig]

Welcome Cracker, (you wouldn't be an Uncle would you ? lol). It great to have you here, and hope we can be an asset to you. Congrats on the new purchase, and I gauruntee you'll not be let down (even if things break, you'll find yourself sayin "It's a Jeep" none to soon lol). I hope you will be a frequent poster here, and keep us updated on your adventures. You have not just joined a club, but rather a way of life,a Brother/Sister hood, and we welcome you with open arms.

If there is anything that you need, no matter how small it may seem, do not even hesitate,and ask away, as helping others is a large part of The Jeep Thing.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

Right on, Brother Rob... can I get an AMEN? LOL... seriously though, Welcome to the family Cracker. I'm sure you'll find the place quite informative and fun. We try to not out-do Springer, but we all know how to have a good, clean, fun time ;-) I welcome you with open arms, and a lifted ride :-D [addsig]