No serpentine belt???


New member
This weekend, I bought a 1988 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 6 cylinder. Got it home yesterday and starting doing a little work on it--plugs, hoses, distributor, etc.

Decided to replace the belts because they were worn. There are two belts (I have no AC). So I go to the parts store, and the computer pulls up that I need 3 belts--one for alternator, one for water pump and steering, and one serpentine.

This Jeep has no serpentine, but should it??? I am very confused (which doesn't take much). Is it possible that I don't have/need one?

Thanks in advance.

Looking forward to hanging out here and gleaning info when I can.

So I go to the parts store, and the computer pulls up that I need 3 belts--one for alternator, one for water pump and steering, and one serpentine.
Welcome to the Z.

The computer lists 3 belts, but early YJ's need either the 2 v-belts or the 1 serp. belt. Sounds like you need the 2 v-belts.
Thanks. That is what I assumed/thought, but the autozone guy insisted that I had to have 3. 'Preciate it.
Yep,bounty hunter is right,my 87 yj has two belts also ,and they do list the serp.belt.i ran into the same problem when one of mybelts broke