

New member

hey guys,
how are you al doing??
just wanna let you know i'm still alive,seems i have a lot of work that's all..
i'm done with rewiring my cj,what a pain in da butt :-x :-x
also my starter engine broke down,had to fix that too...
but she's running again,still did not make the inspection anyways.. :-( :-(
seems my axle has to much play so it needs to be replaced.

the worst thing is that we finally had good snow this weekend,and my jeep can't go anywhere :evil: :evil:
maybe i should call it wolf instead of darkwolf cause it kinda seems to atract evil or something :-D :-D

see ya later tugs[addsig]


Hey man glad to hear from ya! That wiring can really be a pain I agree. Failed inspection eh? You might want to try getting it inspected somewhere else. Who knows maybe you will luck out.[addsig]

the reasson i did not make the inspection is because of the play that my axle has,i really need to fix it,it it brakes while driving off-road it gonna create more damage..
thanks for the advice anyways... :) [addsig]