Please Pray for JHiggins' family & friends


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I just got some very sad news. Last night while at work Josh (Jhiggins) was in a traffic accident and lost his life. I don't exactly know what to say except that he was one of the nicest people that I have ever met. I had the privilege of wheelin' with him, and he would give you the shirt off his back. He has some really great things going on in his life right now. It seemed that he had his entire life in front of him, and it was taken in a tragic accident. One good thing that I can say about this situation is that I know that he was a Christian. Please pray for his girlfriend, friends, and family. I'll let everyone know what the arrangements are when I find out.


i'm really sorry to hear that. i will keep him and his family in my prayers... i didn't know him at all but i know he contributed a lot to the board. God has a plan and a reason for everything... whether we understand it or not.
Wow, it just shows how fragile life is... Like most people... i did not know the guy at all, but I know that he helped me out with advice just like he did with many others... I will keep this in my prayers, and though a very sad thing, I know that God will use this for something good.
This is the saddest news I have to read. On Thursday the 28th I was expecting to see Josh driving down the road to start our Moab trip together. With high hopes and a few teases about him driving a tj. Now I must choke them back.
There is a spot in my heart for a man I didnt know personaly but knew his words. I saw this man many of times in pictures but never had the honor to meet him. I spoke to him many of times but never knew the sound of his voice.
Still it is a tiny part of me has been cruely ripped out.

May the angle Michael guild thy foot steps Josh
May Uriel open the doors of heven to thee
May Gabriel blow his horn letting the host know that a saint has arrived
May Raphael comfort thee.

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad

Josh was such a nice guy.I still cant believe that he is not living.He had so much going for him,and he had a good heart.Josh gave me joy and made me laugh reading his posts.I still wish I had the chance to meet him.Shows to all of us you can have life one minute and be gone the next.

Thank you for the news and thank you for letting us know that he was christian.Makes me feel a lot better knowing that he knew God and trusted in him.He is in a better place now.Prayers are coming out from me for his family and his friends.Good bye jhiggins,will see you again my friend.
My thoughts and condolenses go out to his family. It's always sad to hear news like that. Like so many others on this board, Josh was always there to help out when he could on this board, reguardless of what anyone thought about his post count. I found him to be rather informative, and at times, comical. He will be truly missed. :cry:

Today we say goodbye to a good friend. I too never met him in person. But I have talked with himmay times. He was a great man. Very informative and very funny. My prayers go out for his family. He will be truely missed. :cry: Just remeber that he is in a better place now and we will all meet him again.
This sort of thing is so shocking and sad. The same thing happend to my girlfriends best friend last week and to my little cousin not even a year ago. When this stuff happens it is always difficult to know what to say, but I am soo glad to hear he is a Christian. I too am Christian and I know that he is in a better place now. This puts my mind at ease and I hope his friends and families as well.
Heres to a guy that seemed always friendly to complete strangers, always willing to help out, and it's ashame most of us never had the honor to know him personally. His insight and humor will be missed on this board.
CJ Fuel Sender

i am very shocked by all of this. J will truly be missed here. i never got the chance to meet him in person, but reading his posts on this board was enough to show that he was always willing to help and make us laugh. i wish his family and friends strength during this difficult time. :cry:

TJ check engine light

I just posted another question on the technical forum before checking out the general forum. I expected the first person to reply to the question to be jhiggins. He was always the first to answer a question, and if he didn't know the answer, he tried to find out. He will be greatly missed and his family and friends are in my prayers. May God bless them. I know that he would want us to keep the Jeepin' alive and may his spirit and wisdom live on through us in this way.
josh was a great guy, i never go to meat him but we knew all the same ppl that went wheeling together and planed to go thanks giving, My thoughts and condolenses go out to his familyand friends.
Reset maintenance required light 1992 Wrangler

J, his family, and his friends have the thoughts and prayers of myself and my family. I will never again hit a trail without thinking that he is finally getting to ride with us.

May each and every one of us feel a little comfort with Josh as our co-pilot.

i just dont know what to say, life is just a fragile thing, i give my prayers to his family and friends, i am just heart broken that his life has been taken from him, God be with his sole. :cry:
I can't think of anything to say...I sit back and try to hold back the tears.

It's amazing how one person can touch the lives of so many people.

You were always the first one there to offer help and a smile. I will miss your advice, and your remarkable sense of humour.

The late night, early morning debates about YJ vs. TJ, and flex.

You were truly a friend to all, and a commrade to me, and you will be missed, but never forgoten.

Keep on Jeepin' my Brother, and may God bless you and your's.


I have been talking to USMPK9 some today. We are in contact with his girlfriend and will inform everyone of the funeral arrangements as soon as I hear them. I am sure that the family is thankful for your thoughts and prayers.

Oh my gosh, I just cannot believe what I am reading. This is indeed a shock and horrible news. I had just wrote to him a few days ago about some disconnects he was making me and he was going to mail them last friday. :cry: :cry: I agree he was one of the kindest and most helpful people I've ever met on Jeepz, even if I haven't been here long. This is just so sad, sometimes people are taken in thier prime I know. Someone else had higher plans for him. I will certainly keep his family in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know the funural plans as soon as you can, maybe we can extend our sympathies from around the states somehow. :cry:

I came here to post my vacation pictures, somehow that pales in importance now. I will wait a bit. :cry:

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee and keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:11"

I will never forget this kind and precious soul named Josh.
Know anything about these wheels?

Like most, I never met Josh or knew him personally but I'm surprised and saddened to hear this news. My prayers go out for him and his friends and family. :cry:
I was new to this forum and had a question about installing my Weber carb. J told me to pm him. I did and he helped me right away. What a guy. He will be missed :(

Just talked to him the other night on the phone. Josh will be missed by me and in my prayers. What do you say in times like these. Reflect and be at peace with your maker for we are all just a mist on this earth to be removed at any given second. I know religion is not considered the a proper topic in this form rut God Speed Josh. Tug :cry: