Pray for me


New member
I have been getting head aches, bad head aches. For the past month. Lately they have been getting so bad that I cant sleep at night. I didnt sleep for a second last night. I cant even hardly get on the computer to type this. I watched the hours tick by on my clock. I have been awake for 36 hours now. And I just got back from the doctor and she said I need to get an mri. Well I am kinda freaked out and nothing is working to take these head aches away but vicodin. I am getting an mri tommorow. Please pray for me and that these head aches just stop. Everyone is worried and so am I. I think it is nothing but I dont know. It could be a brain tumor. So pray for me guys. Thank you very much.

wow sully, i hope that all is well. i was having the same symptoms a few years ago, and it turned out to be a problem with my jaw.
DUDE!!! :shock:

I new you and I were insomniacs and headache sufferer's, but I didn't know you were getting checked for tumors!

My thoughts are with you bro. Let us all know the minute you get checked out.
Yeah..i'm on alot and i see the both of you on all the time too.. Sucks though, hopefully everything will turn out okay. keep us updated
Could just have what I get...really bad migranes. I always know when I'm getting one because I go blind and get sick and they usually last anywhere from 2 days to 1 week. Used to get them all the time back in college, now it's about once a year. I was told it can be brought on by a number of things...stress, certain foods, bad jaw alignment cutting off circulation to your brain, flourescent lighting ect, ect, ect. Anyways, good luck, hopefully it's nothing serious.

:( Sully

I am sorry to read that your not doing so well. Migranes will take alot out of a person. I hope they are nothing serious but your right, you never know. The MRI will tell you for sure. Take care of yourself and I'll add you to my prayers. Let us know what you find out k?



I truly am sorry you're dealing with this. Headaches can be so difficult to diagnose, and can be from so many different things. Our bodies are complex enough, and the brain is even more so.

You most certainly will have our prayer support.

Hang in there!
I will pray for you, I hope everything works out I started suffering from horrible migranes about 6 years ago now I have viox by my side at all times, I know when they are coming cause my face, mouth and hands go numb, along with blurred vision. My doctor wanted me to get a mri also but they have stopped for about 3 months now and I thank god every day. and pray they wont come back I wil also pray for yours to go away. Please let us know the out come. Take care
Sully you are being prayed for as of now by me and mine. You will placed on the prayer list at church tonight and there are some awesome prayer warriors there. God Bless You! tug
More prayers for you from the Heart of Tornado Alley, Sully. I've had migraines for about 10 years now. They are related to nerve damage in my neck from a herniated disk. I flipped a truck end-over-end 7 times when I was young and stupid and broke my neck. Never had it checked out. 15 years later, the doc found the old fractures and the herniated disk. Had a fusion and metal plate. Now the disk above it is bulging, too. The nerve damage from the first one will not repair itself, and I am on large amounts of Oxycontin for the pain. Since starting the Oxycontin, I haven't had a single migraine, and I'm able to function fairly normally. The pain still comes and goes down my left arm, and it goes numb occasionally, but the headaches are gone.

I do hope all works out well for you. I know just how frightening and frustrating that can be. God's will takes precedence, but we will still pray that He keeps you in the palm of His hand.
best of luck to you sully, migranes run in my family and fortunatley i dont have them but like someone above me said, certain foods, and it was caffeine and cheese for my grandfather, wish you the best and hope for better

( My cat's ok. ) (your cat) ( ya Iam ok to play ball) (Oh you cat scan) --Varsity Blues.
Hope you feel better Soon......
footprints in the sand........................let him carry you man! the prayers fly from the great white north. faith is a pillar, lean!
Craig said:
I was told it can be brought on by a number of things...stress, certain foods, bad jaw alignment cutting off circulation to your brain, flourescent lighting ect, ect, ect.

First off, I hope you get better Sully. You make great contributions to this board so get well and stick around! :mrgreen:

Now to digress a tad.... Craig I'd be real interested to know what exactly about fluorescent lighting they said would cause problems. I'd suspect it'd be the fact that older fluorescent lighting, which used often crumby magnetic ballasts and drove the lamps at a frequency of 60Hz, was what they meant. This is because 60Hz is a frequency which is close to that of the "refresh rate" of our vision, so the flickering, whether it be noticable or not would cause the problem? Luckily with the advances in fluorescent lamps and the modern electronic ballasts which drive the lamps at a frequency of about 2.4 KHz, flickering is a non-issue since our vision cannot refresh anywhere fast enough to notice the lights are turning on and off many many times per second.

Sorry for the digression, but being a big advocate of using fluorescent and other energy efficient kinds of lighting, I'm always interested to if any of the old "cons" of using the technology still apply to modern fluorescents... :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

I have "cluster" migraines.
Not trying to "one up" anyone, but neurologist said if I take and blood constricting agents (medications) I risk anurism. These headaches, (which thankfully) are becoming less and less are the bain of my existence. I blackout, go numb, get sick to the pount of throwing up and convulsions, go blind, etc. Each time I think to myself: "I'd rather break a limb then go through this". I've been stabbed, had broken limbs, been in car accidents, serious burns, and several other bad injuries. I'd rather go through each one of them again rather than suffer a serious onset.

I bring this up because it seems there are a lot of headache and migraine sufferers on this board. I don't think the general population understand what we go through, but I'm happy it's getting more attention lately. I'm sorry for everyone who suffers from these damned things.

AND AGAIN, I'm thinking about you Sully. Rubicon on 05...I can't wait to wheel with you bro.