Riddle Me This?

“The Mystery of the Migrating Wood-Screw”

Two days ago, my four year-old gas fired, forced air furnace began to make a rattling noise whenever the main blower ran.

“Oh, No! The last thing I need is for the furnace to fail during this extremely cold weather." thought I.

I screwed up my courage today and took the furnace apart. I removed the recirc blower and box from the bottom of the furnace and laid the box over on the cellar floor. I heard a familiar rattle from inside of the fan box assembly as I laid it over.

(Gadget rotated head back and forth and made ape-discovered-something sound.)


Long story short: I found a 1 and 1/2-inch long wood screw lying inside of the fan box. Removed said wood screw, called it several names to make it feel bad and then put furnace together.

Voila!!!! No more rattle from the furnace. Easy fix – I got lucky.

Okay…so how is this possible? How does a wood screw migrate through long runs of horizontal ductwork, through the cold-air return filter, and then hop inside of the main blower assembly, there to happily rattle around whenever the blower ran?

Furthermore, why whould the screw want to go there?

Any and all theories entertained.

(This oughta be good!) :wink:

Mystified Gadget

Maybe Mr. Sully :twisted: sent one of his Fair weathered(80 deg) GREMLINS to put the 1.5" wood screw into your furnace. Knowing that when a rattle was heard, the infamous "GADGET" could not resist tearing into the furnace....and having it scattered about in the freezing weather would meet his doom!
BUT ALAS! The Sullyman did realize the resourcefulness or the talants of INSPECTOR GADGET!
Once again our Super Hero has foiled the plot of his foes!!!!!!!

ok I know...WAYYY too much time on my hands.....
RE: Long Nite- Required Recovery

_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
Maybe Mr. Sully :twisted: sent one of his Fair weathered(80 deg) GREMLINS to put the 1.5" wood screw into your furnace. Knowing that when a rattle was heard, the infamous "GADGET" could not resist tearing into the furnace....and having it scattered about in the freezing weather would meet his doom!
BUT ALAS! The Sullyman did realize the resourcefulness or the talants of INSPECTOR GADGET!
Once again our Super Hero has foiled the plot of his foes!!!!!!!

ok I know...WAYYY too much time on my hands.....

Not true I swear.
RE: Where Has Been Special_K?

I think your looking at it the wrong way Gadget. The woodscrew did not WANT to be there. Your furnace simply feels overworked and underappreciated. It feels that you like the woodscrew better. So the furnace kidnapped the screw and the noise was simply your ransom notice.

Ok so Im weird too.


RE: Long Nite- Required Recovery

Knowing all the plaster work and repair that was happening to your house, the wood screw had begun to fear that it too would go to the great toolbox in the sky, as it's bretheren who were holding together the former lath and plaster. Not wanting this, it began the long and arduous trek, late in the night, to seek shelter. At first, it thought that it might be safe in the air return system, so it crept into the floor-vent, and began to set about setting up a place to stay. However, it then remembered what happened to it's cousin Edgar, most dishnourably and abruptly uprooted when a routine duct-cleaning was performed... So it continued on, perhaps looking for a hole in the wall along the ductwork in which to sit in peace, or merely a deeper seam in the duct where it could hide safely.

Suddenly, a brilliant thought fell upon the wood screw. Having eavesdropped from wherever your wood screws are kept, it had picked up the bit of information that your furnace was replaced not four years hence. Knowing this fact, it knew that the furnace had several years ahead of it, and it being this, the cold weather season, you were less likely to take it apart for a routine cleaning till spring. The screw had found respite from it's potential fate. It crept through the ductwork, while you tinkered and puttered around the house, until it found it's sanctuary. But the wood screw was in a panic. Though this furnace would be a suitable place at least until spring, it was surely not a permanant solution. But at least it would have a place to think over the winter, and plot it's next move. Being that it was in a panic, it was not thinking clearly, and as it sat happily riding the very-fast ferris wheel that the furnace had to offer, it did not notice the rattling noise it was making... Until that fateful day when you decided to investigate. And lo, did you pull apart the furnace and discover the wood screw. It's plans of redemption failed, it's fate was now in the hands of Inspector-Gadget, who was being very rude to it indeed upon the discovery.

Ok, after coming up with that, I want to know what happened to the screw. Did it make it back to the place where screws are kept, there to tighten another day? Or did it's worst fears come true, and it did indeed go to the great toolbox in the sky...

And if I am mistaking you for someone else who was having their plaster redone, then I apologise, and you can disregard this epic falderal.
You all seem to be looking at the wrong end of this mule. Perhaps it was the furnace........just wanting a good screw. :shock:

He was probably just on vacation visiting his cousins the sheet metal screws.
Sparky-Watts said:
You all seem to be looking at the wrong end of this mule. Perhaps it was the furnace........just wanting a good screw. :shock:

ROFL Or maybe it was a desperate furnace and just trying to get any ole screw. :shock:

Okay that is the most adult statement I have ever typed on here and it's not about drugs or alcohol. God Forbid I burn in Hell for this but I couldn't help it!




He's a thief, a liar, and now... a saboteur!

(what a schmuck.)
Re: RE: the eagles are going to jacksonville

Maybe it was probably dropped/left in there upon initial assembly of the furnace, and over time vibrated it's way to the fan box.

Either was it's a screwy thing to have happen.

This only proves my theory that you have a screw loose Gadget.

I know, I know - that was even worse than the first one.
RE: i

Maybe the furnace forgot to pack the wood screw up from a previous item it owned, and the furnace has been too busy with school, and stuff to get this wood screw to the person it sold the item too. Then the furnace had its wife make up a sob story and told the buyer that he made out like a bandit and should feel lucky for getting the item (minus one wood screw) for the price he did because they could have gotten more money for it elsewhere. the furnace only sold it to him because because it promised to sell the item to him. Sorry, my wierdness coming out.

RE: and then I find this out....

im just going to muse over this in entertainment and wonder what kind of lives you people live...

my vote goes for a cockroach pushing it along the ducts


Because she screwed Mingez and Gadgets heater! Mingez's missing hardware was that screw that was lodged in GADGETS HEATER!