Searchin for an XJ


New member
Well as I go into college I've been lookin for something more fuel effecient and that I can still take hunting and fishing. Also my parents are moving to Colorado so maybe I can hit some trails;). but anyway I've been leaning towards a 97-01 XJ. But i just wanted to ask if there were any certain things i should look for besides engine noises, steering problems, and the obvious.

Oh and I will be getting rid of my 88 YJ. I might sell if somebody is interested. But it I might not end up with another vehicle for another month or two. So if anybody is interested shoot me an email,

Thanks for the input

I've got your soccer mom....:twisted:


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Go git ya an XJ!

It's actually Wilson, Tim Taylor's neighbor, notice how the mirror just covers his face?;)

i've heard the 97's had problems with their fuel pumps, other than that... you're golden.

don't listen to the wankers who say the XJ's are soccermom cars...
There was a recall on at least the 2000's for debris building up in the #6 (?) cylinder, but that is an easy fix, and probably has already been done. Just check with a service tech and they can look up your VIN and tell you. Otherwise they are great. It'll do pretty much anything you want it to do. Even stock they are pretty rugged.

And really, there are some pretty hot soccer moms out there!
try dead?
:( Wilson is dead? Closed casket no doubt:p

don't listen to the wankers who say the XJ's are soccermom cars...

Yeah what he said. I tell ya, since those theings have continually become cheaper as they age and as they decrease in value (gas prices have hurt used SUV sales) it seems there's a heck of a lot more lifted XJ's out there.

XJ's are Great Jeeps.
I've been reading a lot about them and asking around and from what I've heard everybody that owns one is happy with it. But yeah if I get one yeah it'll be a soccer mom XJ for a while but after that is gonna be a crawler.
My parents are moving to the Rifle area. I'm not really that familiar with that area so I'm hoping if i get an XJ I can get aquainted with the trails and lakes and everything like that. Thanks for everybody's input, it's greatly appreciated.


Saw one in Wichita the other day that would come close to rivaling the one 90 posted. Looked pretty dang cool (for a soccer mom buggy).

Ya know I'm just kidding about the soccermom thing, right? Besides, around here they drive Lincoln Vaginators and Ford Exorcisms.

Ok, I have another question about the XJ's. As I've looked at some on the internet at local dealerships, some have a 3 speed, 5 speed, or 6 speed automatics. Is there a big difference or does it matter?? thanks
