the jeep wave


All of this Jeep Wave talk has been an eye opener for me. Today I a driveing along with work on my mind the rain was raining and the stereo was blareing some insult to my head I spilt my coffee and out of the corner of my eye I see this nice young person in a like new TJ just a waveing like he should. I missed the return of the wave. I felt bad. The traffic was very thin so I looked in my rear view for a cop saw none. looked to the left right ahead all was clear so I did the short wheel base U turn. I ran hard cought up and at the next light I got out ran up and said Sorry I missed your wave Dude! and gave him a great big special! Should have seen the smile. I look forward to seeing him wave again I shall not miss it again. Tug


Hehe I love the short wheel base U turn.....I had never driven any vehicle with such nimble manuverability until I got my jeep. I love it![addsig]

I bought my first Jeep, a 2001 TJ, when I returned from Germany. Before I left, I was "babysitting" my friend's TJ and besides how great it was to drive (and park), I was amazed at all the waves I got. At first I thought it was cause I was just some blonde in a jeep, but than I realized it was a jeep thing. When I arrived in AZ...I bought and drove and was pretty disappointed to realize not alot of people waved. I think it is just the overabundance of jeeps in the area, most owned by college-kids who buy them for the cool factor and not the 4-wheel drive. I, however, continue to wave to everyone in a CJ, YJ, and TJ....I am determined to teach the next generation. And even though not many waves are returned, just one makes it all worth it.


Hell I wave at other jeeps all the time and they just look at me real stupid like. I've found out that the only Jeeps that wave back are the modified ones. If you see a red-neck-hairy-country-looking-good ol' boy and he is driving toward you ,and checking out your jeep ,wave at him and he'll wave back. This same kind of guy will also help you if you are broke down , have a flat, or if you are stuck. If you see some young snob in a jeep that her daddy bought her and she is smacking gum and talking on a cell phone, forget it . These type of people think that a jeep is just transportation, and don't even know what four wheel drive is. If someone has an honest and sincere appreciation for jeeps they will check your jeep out and you should wave, no matter what they are driving. Jeep or not. If they show no interest ,then they might as well be driving a Honda Accord.



Oh Man Jackal I had no idea that you even Knew me. I am "a red-neck-hairy-country-looking-good ol' boy and he is driving toward you ,and checking out your jeep ,wave at him and he'll wave back. This same kind of guy will also help you if you are broke down , have a flat, or if you are stuck." What a line! I love it. but you are very much correct. But you have ot say the gum smackers can be a lot of fun.
Having a great time here. Tug[addsig]

I've been in the "wave" business for a while in my 95 YJ. I'm up there pretty high (7.5" of lift and 35's) so most jeepers notice me when I wave (not too many modified rigs in my town). The only thing I have any complaints about is that more times than none I get no responses from the lifted TJ people around here. What's the deal?[addsig]


I own a 90 xj and i wave to all jeeps regardless year make mostly steers from newer models .or the finger ,But shall keep waving!!!

Well folks, I live in northwest Arkansas and we have a million jeep owners around

here. You see them everywhere you look. I am on my third jeep and as long

as I have been driving one, hardly any other Jeep owner will wave back. It is like

they don`t have a clue! The way I see it, everyone in this area thinks that

either their rig is better than yours, or they think that your is better that theirs.

Almost anywhere else that I have driven it, the Jeepers all, or almost all,

will wave, old and new vehicles alike.

So, anyone traveling through this area, I hope to see you and Yes, I will wave,

but don`t expect very many hands to go up around here.

Gosh that is sooo sad!!!!

hey guys, im new. i used to own a 87 wrangler till i destroyed it. i now have a 88 xj with modifications out the u know what! just know that you will get a wave from this cherokee!!![addsig]


ALWAYSSSS wave...i have a took me 5 minutes to get it. It DOES feel good to see older Jeep drivers cjs and yjs toss one up...

The wave! i wave to any jeep xj tj cj yj... living in MA. peaple think i am crazy to wave ! but dont care .. I have a 90 xj and i agree with alot of jeepers that most peaple who drive xj do not wave . This does not stop me from waving ...But i have to admit i have not had my jeep long ..

The wave! i wave to any jeep xj tj cj yj... living in MA. peaple think i am crazy to wave ! but dont care .. I have a 90 xj and i agree with alot of jeepers that most peaple who drive xj do not wave . This does not stop me from waving ...But i have to admit i have not had my jeep long ..


The wave! i wave to any jeep xj tj cj yj... living in MA. peaple think i am crazy to wave ! but dont care .. I have a 90 xj and i agree with alot of jeepers that most peaple who drive xj do not wave . This does not stop me from waving ...But i have to admit i have not had my jeep long ..

OK New deal here please do not wave at the Eatmybigandnasty guy with the dead dowg. Ok cause he hates jeeps


I bought my first jeep a 85 cj-7 in 86, this was in orlando I was told by the toyota dealer that was selling it to wave its a jeep thing. After I got rid of my jeep in 87 I still waved for A few months and got a lot of goofy looks as habits are hard to break. In july 2000 I finally got to get my jeep(97 wrangler when I sold mine I said I would not buy one unitl the round lghts came back) back now living back in NJ, I started waving again I dont care if its a tj/yj/cj or a old milatary jeep, as long as its a reel jeep, I got a lot of looks and comments from my wife as do you know him/her, Why do you wave, don't be stupid etc. It just makes me feel good, I would say about 80% of the jeeps wave in the atlantic city area, male and female. But the best thing was when my wife took my jeep for a ride and when she came home she told me "It just feels good to wave" Maybe she is starting to understand this Jeep thing... She did go and buy a 2001 grand power everything... but its a start.

ive been driving my jeep for some time now and i think i figured out why some jeepers and wave and some dont. My theory is that only true jeepers or people that drive older jeeps such as YJ's and CJ's are the only people that wave. Most of the TJ's i see aren't being driven by jeepers/offroaders but are used for basic transportation execpt fot the modified TJ's. That leads to another theory i have and that is the TJ's in general dont look as tough as YJ's and CJ's, and thats why you see more women driving TJ's.



In response to TJ being driven as basic transportation by "girls" and overall not looking as tough as YJ's / CJ's...I would like to say BS!!
That's not right FYI! Furthermore, I will wave to ANY Jeep, not just "my" goes against the whole Jeep philosophy to be judgemental!!
By the way, I AM a female and the proud owner of a 98 Sahara with trail battle scars and mods up the wazoo (done in part by myself).


this is funny as shit to read all of the postings. when i first bought my yj in 91 a buddy borrowed it and came back laughing about how many people in jeeps waved at him. he said whats up with the fricken jeep wave. i told him jealously will get him know where with me.

he still thinks its funny as shit.[addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>In response to TJ being driven as basic transportation by "girls" and overall not looking as tough as YJ's / CJ's...I would like to say BS!!
That's not right FYI! Furthermore, I will wave to ANY Jeep, not just "my" goes against the whole Jeep philosophy to be judgemental!!
By the way, I AM a female and the proud owner of a 98 Sahara with trail battle scars and mods up the wazoo (done in part by myself).

Every Jeep, like snowflakes, has a different look. That's part of the fun...making your's original. The quote above couldn't be more exact...I feel Jeep drivers have an appreciation for a certain relaxed lifestyle. So relaxed, that the BS of whether it is a CJ, YJ, or TJ or 4cyl, or 6cyl, or 8cyl, or the 10cyl Viper Jeep I saw in JP mag (awesome) shouldn't even cross the mind. Whether it is the feel of the warm sun on a beautiful Fall day (like it is here in central Florida, sunny and about 75 for the high today), or the crisp evening air with the stars and moon above providing all the mood lighting needed, it's just the "feel" of owning and driving one of the coolest autos ever made. There aren't many other cars out there where you can tear off the top and doors and drive over or through just about any kind of terrain...without mods...more fun with, though. I've seen badass Jeeps spanning the full spectrum of models, and wave at all of them...including my bro's '99 Sahara. It's badass too. Long story shorter, it's refreshing to see others appreciating some of the simple pleasures of life, and mutually acknowledging that very notion with anything from a peace sign to a miss america wave. PS - Don't mess with Texas. And if you've lived there long enough, you'll remember the old Luv ya Blue. Go Oilers. Used to live in Columbus, 70 mi. west of Houston along I-10. Pop. 3500, 3892 with cows included. Do the Jeeps grow bigger there too?
