Waves in my soft top windows


Staff member
Anyone have tips to get waves or wrinkles out of my soft top windows? They are driving me crazy


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You can try to unzip both sides but leave the top zipped. Attached some weight to the bottom tail and apply heat with a hair dryer. The trick is to not over heat it.

Sent from my VS880 using Jeepz.com mobile app
Prop up a parts catalog in front if of the jeep and leave it for 15-20 min.

Heater in the garage . Get it up to 85 deg.
Just being creative, but get 2 pieces of plywood the same size of you window. Get the ply wood hot with perhaps a paint stripping heat gun. At the same time get your plastic windows up to a good warm tempature . Clamp those windows between your 2 pieces of plywood and let it set for 4 hrs or so. Just a shot in the dark but it may work.

Instead of plywood use{ lou on} its thin and more smooth then plywood, cheaper also I think its ten dollars for a 4x 8 sheet from lowes. Just a thought, sometimes my crazy ideas work.
I was hoping that if I ignore the problem long enough it would go away (I still haven't given up on this strategy).

Waves are still there. It's been kept in the garage, but that's only ~55 degrees right now. I may take a hair dryer to after another week or so.

Not crying, it's a full blown blat, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Nope, my idea was not good seeing how bad it is. Suck it up and replace it, some times we got chickens some times we got feathers. It's a jeep thing.
Dang, those are WAVY!

Just going to have to live with it. I use the hold off till it fixes itself method also. Recently worked on a little bmw i was tinkering. It wouldn't shift out of first after being parked for 5 or 6 years. Changed everything you should, a few times after driving for a while between changes. Then got tired and just drove it around for an hour at 3500rpm. Suddenly it shifted, and has ever since. Best dang free car i have gotten, so far