Well turned 21 today....


New member

Well today (march 8) was my birthday and I am finally 21. I wish I would have had the money to go out and spoil myself a little but payday is not until thursday. Although I could have...I didn't buy any alcohol today or even consume any...it was just a regular old day. I guess I'll have the rest of my life for that hehe. This boy is now a man.[addsig]


Happy Birthday, but I always thought of 18 as being a man since at 18 you can SERVE your country not the fact that at 21 you get SERVED alchohol.........lmao

PS: I guess you've been a man for the last 3yrs sorry nobody told ya' :-D :lol: :-D [addsig]

Congrats on turning 21, but drink responsibly and DON'T get behind the wheel of your jeep drunk. No Jeep sohould have to endure a drunk driver.


Happy birthday to you, happy bithday to you, happy birthday Rayyyy o vacccccc happy birthday to youuuuuuu! and many more you ol dog.

I am nearing 44 and I am still just a kid! age dont make you a man! have a good one tug[addsig]


happy birthday roy-o-vac. i dont think anyone could have put it any better than tug . age dosent make you a man. i think respect for yourself and others , and your dedication to family and friends goes a long way to makeing you a man. just my thoughts......odax :-D :-D [addsig]

congrats man, im turnin 17 the 22nd, i guess theres not really anything special for 17, but its 1 year closer to serving the country![addsig]

Happy Birthday Ray. Jeepmaster, my jeep was also born in 86' I think shes a capricorn though. :lol:

edited by: n2jeeps, Mar 09, 2003 - 12:04 PM[addsig]


Happy Belated Birthday Rayovac!! :-D [addsig]


Happy b-day Ray. Boozing it up aint all that it's cracked up to be. That being said, there really isn't anything better than a day of playing hard and then drinking a cold beer while taking a hot shower!!!!!!![addsig]