Why is it that Politicians think they can reason away middle east violence?!?!?

jumppr said:
I've stayed quite on this thread for a long time because I believe I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said. I'm so tired of this place that I can't even contribute to a good healthy debate on Jeepz anymore. This war is going to go on forever. These people will never stop. The will never win. We will never win. I think we just might as well get used to being at war and try to live our lives at home as best we can. Man these days are depressing!

My friend you and others like you are what makes America. Twisted and I can holler and scream about rights and liberties, but when all is said and done, you are the reason I get to sit here today and post messages on this board. Thank You and God Speed.
randomjeeper said:
all i have to say is look at the number of civilian casualties on both sides.

Our side won't release those numbers, their side inflates them, but when it boils down to it, how do you know which of their side were actually civilians?

I don't think anyone will truly ever know how many casualties there really are or how many are actually civilian. Again the spin doctors (media) is only going to tell you the facts that will keep you tuning in. We were watching a live broadcast from a British channel over here the other night and the reporter was on some hill in Israel or Lebanon or somewhere over there.....anyway, he's talking about rounds coming in and starts ducking for cover and asking for his flak jacket. Meanwhile the camera guy just stands there and you can't hear any incoming rounds or explosions of any kind. It was absurd! But I'll bet their ratings were good that morning.

Personnaly I'm against war as a means to solve a problem. Unfortunately it's just not human nature to sit down and calmly discuss the situation at hand. And then you have the A##hole bad guys that don't want to play by the rules. Yes, there are no rules in war, but America is one of the only countries that thinks we have to abide by certain laws of war (Geneva Convention rights) even though most don't. For that fact I think we will always have the upper hand no matter what is going on. Until the majority of the American public starts to realize that maybe what they see on CNN isn't the gospel truth we will always have these debates.
Sparky-Watts said:
Our side won't release those numbers, their side inflates them, but when it boils down to it, how do you know which of their side were actually civilians?

Excellent point Sparky!

It's all propaganda. Don't get me wrong I don't want to see people butchered but, war is ugly. There is no such thing as a friendly conflict. I love people who say "Violence isn't the answer" it may not be THE answer, but it .damn. sure is A answer. It is a viable soution to an issue, and I firmly believe that when all other options have been exhausted, and you are dealing with a people that only responds to violence,... then it seems pretty clear to me what the appropriate answer is...
randomjeeper said:
all i have to say is look at the number of civilian casualties on both sides.
Well unfortunately that cannot be avoided in war. Even in the days of the Revolutionary War and Civil War where men lined up in front of each other and mowed each other down, there were always generals that burned tows and killed civilians.

Where there is war, innocent people will die. What alternative to war is there then? Cease fires? Peace treaties?

Okay, so you are Israel... You agree to this, you agree to that, you follow through and withdraw from Lebanon and Palestine in an agreement of peace to appease the other side only to have your borders crossed, missles intentionally fired at your civilians with little or no accuracy, and you have your army attacked by guerillas and captured something has to be done.

Tony Blair said it best when he said that this must be resolved with a real peace. Resolved as in there needs to be an end. A solution that lasts. A mere abscence of violence is not peace. A cease fire is not peace. These feeble attempts at "peace" are and always have been merely time for one or both sides to regroup and strengthen for the next round.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, so long as there is one Jihadist fundamentalist terrorist revolutionary Islamic militant or whatever there title of the week is there will be violence. They want Israel gone. They want the "great Satan" gone (that's there pet name for us, folks), they want to bring the entire world under fundamentalist Islamic law.

Sadly, they are willing to die trying.

Let 'em.