Ya Wont Believe What I Found


New member
Yesterday I went to a Federal Surplus depot and could not believe what I found there. They had two orginial, stock, M151A1 military Jeep trailers! Both were in perfect condition. The surplus had a sale going on and both trailers could have been bought for $237.50. Now heres the problem. It is Federal surplus and only citys and countys and goverment agencies can buy them :evil: . I was sick, two perfect trailers sitting there and all I could do is drool at them. They are pretty strick on who they sell to and no way were they going to sell to an individual. State surplus will sell to the public but not federal. Oh well I was in a patrol car anyway but if they would have sold them to me, I would have duck taped them to the top and went like he**!
Oh well :cry:

Stereo Reccomendation

Sweet, shame they weren't available to the general public, they might actually get some use.

Did the nomenclature tags say M151A1?
Who hosted the auction? Was it DRMO (Defense Reutilization Marketing Office)? Ususally they will sell to the public. GSA (General Services Administration) auctions are open to the public also.
A lot of the time DRMO hosts it's auctions on governmentliquidation.com. You can buy there if you sign up. 6x6 trucks get sold there all the time. The Jeep trailers are harder to come by. I would like to have one myself.
You should have told them it was official police business and commondeared one.
there is usually SOMEONE around who will take an extra $50 to believe you are gov't personel