Staun's Managing Director calls its customers Idiot's

As I said before, there is no question, in my mind about the quality of thier products. They are second to none, and I know the beadlocks are wonderfully sound, based on many recounts of thier performance. HOWEVER, the only power we have as consumers is that of "Social Shunning". We have to willing to stand up when a company takes a stand or position that we feel is immoral, or wrong, and forgo the convenience, desirability, or benefit of the product they represent to make a point. The consumer still drives the market. I meet with compnanies everyday that have perception issues in the marketplace, and advise them that perception is reality, and things will snowball very quickly. Society needs to dictate the products, philosophies, and policies it deems are acceptable from corporate America. Not the other way around. I would have been happy with a simple apology, and I stated as much. No excuses or justifications, but an apology from the CFO stating he regretted his insult and wished to make things right. I can only hope that the powers that be at Staun consider the position they are placing their company in before allowing ego's and posturing to ruin what has been a very difficult reputation to build. I guess we will just wait and see.

For the record Harry was intelligent, accomodating, and understanding. He didn't defend the email, only apologized for it. I believe he "gets it".

I was more disheartened by that fact that noone in any of the correspondance you posted ever actually apologized for the 'idiot' comment, they only apologized for letting you see it. Am I the only one who noticed that?
no one in any of the correspondance you posted ever actually apologized for the 'idiot' comment, they only apologized for letting you see it.
No, not at all. I picked that up too. I take with a grain of salt an apology with an explanation, but I despise an apology for getting caught, i.e.: I'm really sorry you overheard me insulting you.

That's not an apology, that's an announcement of one's regret of being caught.

p!ss poor.
I was more disheartened by that fact that noone in any of the correspondance you posted ever actually apologized for the 'idiot' comment, they only apologized for letting you see it. Am I the only one who noticed that?

I brought that up. I pointed out that the apology for the email being intercepted, if you will, was token at best, and he agreed. He admitted an apology was owed but that he didnt feel it was his place. I have to agree. The CFO needs to be the one to set this right.

i agree you should spread this out as much as possible that is ridiculous its their job to take care of your problem not talk **** about your compitence... i'd def make sure every jeeper or other off roader would mark this off of their to buy lists !!