Give me a Big Mac!!!!


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Don't know if any of you have heard of this, but a friend of mine enlightened me today. To save typing: from Wikopedia:

Super Size Me is an Academy Award-nominated 2004 documentary film written, produced, directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day time period (February 2003) during which he subsists entirely on food and items purchased exclusively from McDonald's, and the film documents this lifestyle's drastic effects on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being and explores the fast food industry's corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit. During the filming, Spurlock dined at McDonald's restaurants three times per day, sampling every item on the chain's menu at least once. Also, if asked to Super Size his meal, he must. He consumed an average of 5,000 calories (the equivalent of 9.26 Big Macs) per day during the experiment.

If you google "supersize me" you can watch the video (if you've got an hour and a half to spare................sorry, dial-uppers..). Pretty interesting effects to his health.

I don't believe I'll be eating anything from McDonalds anymore................

McDonalds.....................the "WalMart" of nutrition.

Ain't greed wonderful?????
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Well, you left out the best part. How much weight did he gain?

It's really no shock that the food is very fattening and not at all good for you but a QP with C and fries are good every now and then. What's nasty is the McRib with those painted on imitation bones. What's up with that?
I'll tell you what McDonald's is good at though...the consistency. You get the same food cooked to the same standard and consistency no matter what McDonalds you walk into. Take another chain store like O'Charleys for example. The soup may be great at one store and completely suck at another.
Well, you left out the best part. How much weight did he gain?.........

You gotta watch the vid!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Gained 10 pounds in the first week..............25+ (I think) over the 30 days. But the worst thing was what it was doing to his liver. I abuse mine enough without any help from McDonalds.
Just think of all the kids who eat there regularly. Sad.
Seems that all of them have the little playground, too. Hmmmm....

Mc donalds is like anything else, it is good in moderation. It is no worse than drinking 10 cans of pop a day. Cracks me up when people get all worked up over fast food not being healty. It is what it is. Fast food that taste good. It is not to be ate all the time, but if you are on the go and hungry it comes in handy. If you dont want to eat there than fine but there is no need to put higher taxes on food that isnt healthy like they want too. It is everybodys choice and you know what you are getting.
Gimme some more fries!


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Don't need the food police telling us what, where and when we can eat! We've given up too many freedoms already allowing government to control what it thinks is best for us. Thanks...but I can think for myself!

I don't like anything at McDonalds anyway except the breakfast meals...the fries...and the cheap soft serve ice-cream.

Maybe if they put up a playground for the adults as well to work off some of that cholesterol......
That's a good movie, the McD diet almost killed him.

A real eye opener is when they put the fries in a sealed jar at the beginning of the movie, along with many other types of food in seperate jars. Over weeks, all the food grew mold and broke down except the McD's fries. They speculate it's similarly difficult for your body to break them down.
Don't need the food police telling us what, where and when we can eat! We've given up too many freedoms already allowing government to control what it thinks is best for us. Thanks...but I can think for myself!

I agree with that statement, but here's my opininion on why the government thinks they should regulate the fast food industry. If some moron that can't afford his own medical care is going to eat nothing but fast food and then get Uncle Sam to pay for his triple bypass then why shouldn't the government try to get some of that money back thru the taxes?
I love a good double bacon cheeseburger as much as the next guy and I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even I know that fast food is not good for you if you eat it all the time. The root of this problem is the same as every other problem in America....the end user! The bottom line is you....if you can't make the right decision then we are all going to pay for you. Hopefully, the idiots can live a few more years and enjoy their lives at our expense. Don't bother hoping that it can change! We are doomed.

I find it funny that people are just realizing now that fast food is bad for them... If people want to eat that crap all the time and have a myocardial infarction at the age of 26, let'em.

I worked at a McD's in the early 90's as my first job, I lasted about a month till I couldn't stand it there anymore.
You're right comes down to personal responsibilty...and there seems to be a shortage of that these days.

However, government is a reflection of the culture in a free society, and this is something that has been deteriorating for some time now.

Have you tasted the cafeteria food in the grade schools lately? I did...and couldn't believe what I ate (and) observed. It made Mcdonalds look like a 4 star restaurant.

We as a society are failing our children (and future) by allowing government to dictate anything that should be in the hands of families. I love my country and support her foundation values...but as I said earlier we all need to take personal responsibility for our actions (and families)...and that won't come through government.

Now...I'll take my soapbox and go home.....

You're right comes down to personal responsibilty...and there seems to be a shortage of that these days.

However, government is a reflection of the culture in a free society, and this is something that has been deteriorating for some time now.

Have you tasted the cafeteria food in the grade schools lately? I did...and couldn't believe what I ate (and) observed. It made Mcdonalds look like a 4 star restaurant.

We as a society are failing our children (and future) by allowing government to dictate anything that should be in the hands of families. I love my country and support her foundation values...but as I said earlier we all need to take personal responsibility for our actions (and families)...and that won't come through government.

Now...I'll take my soapbox and go home.....


I totally agree with you. I'm glad I got the education and up bringing that I did. I think the major problem now is most young people don't have that respect for the "rules of life" and believe that they are not responsible for their actions. They truly believe that they will never have to be held accountable for anything. I hope more people see this and start to raise their children with responsibility in mind. I think I'm dreaming, but it's all that gives me hope!