How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb


Super Moderator
How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb:

1 to change the light bulb and 1 to post that the light bulb has been changed
14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently
7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs
27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs
53 to flame the spell checkers
41 to correct spelling/grammar flames
6 to argue over whether it's "lightbulb" or "light bulb"... another 6 to condemn those 6 as anal-retentive
2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "lamp"
15 know-it-alls who claim they were in the industry, and that "light bulb" is perfectly correct
156 to email the participant's ISPs complaining that they are in violation of their "acceptable use policy"
109 to post that this forum is not about light bulbs and to please take this discussion to a lightbulb forum
203 to demand that cross posting to hardware forum, off-topic forum, and lightbulb forum about changing light bulbs be stopped
7 people to post. can this be made a sticky?
1 new forum member to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again .............
LOL and you forgot to add the 12 people who complained to the Mod why didnt he do something about this! LOL

And the next 20 posts arguing about the mods athurity(?)...sorry about the spelling.. its been a long day...trying to change that stupid light bulb

hahahaha u forgot the 10 that just fell off there chair from laughin at the lightbulb hahaahahahaha

Dont forget the following new post two days later asking if anyone has any idea how to change the light bulb or lightbulb or should it be changed at all and if so how do you know it needs to be changed or is there a different light bulb or lightbulb that would work better and is there anyone willing to come and change the light bulb or lightbulb for them. hehehe Tug :roll:
there's usually one or two guys who will post a link to a video or an article showing a pretty creative, or irresponsible way to use a light bulb

12 who feel absolutely compelled to critique the light bulb question, then offer a solution entirely unrelated to the original light bulb question.

For example:

Q: How do I change a light bulb?

A: You don't want to change a light bulb. You want to install a BDS hi-lo uncle Emu electo-hydrostatic lift, 36s and an AARP lunchbox locker muffler instead. That will solve the problem of engine noise in your CB.


Heater blower and a/c lines.

What about the 7 guys who have a friend who read about a new light bulb mod that takes twice as much time and half the money, but never tried it before?

There goes my post on changing my timed interupted circuit incondicent illumination device. :roll:

2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "lamp"

LOL! That's EXACTLY what I was about to say! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Then I might lock the post until every instance of "Light Bulb" was changed to "Lamp" :p

-Nick :!:
Hahahaha, How did I miss this one??

There's the member that asks what manufacturer actually makes the best bulb. XJNick: Where did you get YOUR light bulb? Or the member who has a sticker of Calvin urinating on Silvania.

How about: The forum member that asks the rest to post pictures of THEIR lightbulbs.

Here's my poser bulb pic:

Xenon MINIATURE LAMP (18V, .25A) -Modified to allowed for 22V, .35A

Mingez, How many times do I have to tell you, It's a lamp, not a "light bulb"! :p :lol: :p

My "Lamp" is this:


18 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL), 1200 lumens (equiv. to 75 watt incandescent lamp), 10,000 hour life, 2700 degree kelvin color temperature. Made by Technical Consumer Products. CFLs Rule :mrgreen:

...And Yes, that IS a "JEEP" lamp in my avatar :mrgreen:

-Nick :!: