I hate to harp on this....

2" spacer install

redrooster said:
This person was right in the article..It wasn't "necessary" for Tillman to serve. He did it for love and patriotism. It's not "necessary" for us to maintain Puerto Rico as a territory of the United States. It's not "necessary" for us to allow student visas. It's not "necessary" for foreigners to come here and fill our classrooms and take jobs from American citizens. We allow all these things because our country was founded by foreigners in search of freedom and a better life. If you don't like the United States, then pack your bags and get out. It's not "necessary" for you to enjoy our feedoms any more!

YEAH! What he said!!!!!!!

Fabtech 4" suspension lift

redrooster said:
This person was right in the article..It wasn't "necessary" for Tillman to serve. He did it for love and patriotism. It's not "necessary" for us to maintain Puerto Rico as a territory of the United States. It's not "necessary" for us to allow student visas. It's not "necessary" for foreigners to come here and fill our classrooms and take jobs from American citizens. We allow all these things because our country was founded by foreigners in search of freedom and a better life. If you don't like the United States, then pack your bags and get out. It's not "necessary" for you to enjoy our feedoms any more!

Now THAT was well written!
Look at whats in the paper today

The guy was just putin to the ground yesturday!! Pure ignorance and untter disrespect!!! :evil:
That's a liberal rag I'd have to boycott. The Boston Globe no doubt...?

That's why I don't buy the Baltimore Sun. It's pure garbage.

johnny....i completely agree. you must listen to the same radio i do while i'm at work :wink: cause both the things you've put up in this thread i was listening about on the radio during work, then saw your post at night.

free speech is one thing. its one of the things that makes america great. but celebrity or no celebrity, football player or no football player, this guy deserves a lot more respect post mortum. its one thing to make fun of bush while he's in office, or any other gov't official, hey that comes with the territory, politicians expect that. but fallen soldiers is simply distasteful. if it wasnt for people like pat tillman and the other men and women of the armed forces, we wouldnt be able to say anything at all. have some decency.
TwistedCopper said:
That's a liberal rag I'd have to boycott. The Boston Globe no doubt...?

That's why I don't buy the Baltimore Sun. It's pure garbage.
it was actually on msnbc.com earlier in the morning, but they pulled it due to negative response. there is a web site ( i have the address written down at work if anyone wants it tomorrow) that has more of this "comic's" work on it if anyone cares so much to look at them.

ps-the globe is garbage too, the herald isnt much better, but i enjoy it more. buy one on my way to work a few days a week, and however opinionated it is, its still easier to stomach than the globe.

No Power Brakes to Power Brakes

Why doesnt every soldier who makes the ultimate sacrifice get national tv coverage, instead of being listed as just another casuality? Oh thats right, becasue our media is ridiculous... Next its going to be a reality tv show where stars join the military to see who can make it... Pat Tillman is just another soldier in my eyes, he deserves no more respect than what our other soldiers recieve, and I think they deserve alot.
laneiac said:
Why doesnt every soldier who makes the ultimate sacrifice get national tv coverage, instead of being listed as just another casuality? Oh thats right, becasue our media is ridiculous... Next its going to be a reality tv show where stars join the military to see who can make it... Pat Tillman is just another soldier in my eyes, he deserves no more respect than what our other soldiers recieve, and I think they deserve alot.

Although this is true, the reason Pat Tillman got so much airtime is because he's got a name we can all identify. Every soldier has a story, and had to give up something to join up, but this football player had a really exceptional storyline for all of this - being the good guy and giving up all that dough to fight for what he believes in. With all the hype, remembering he was "just another soldier" is the most important thing. I think for the most part the public realizes this, and thinks about what all of them give up and risk everyday. I hope I'm right.
Pat Tillman donated time and money to his community and multiple organizations prior to his death. Aside from this, I sit here in front of my computer realizing that he gave the ultimate sacrifice for my freedom. I'm truly greatful. Words can not express the shame I feel from such a disgraceful letter. We may never know what happened out there because we sat here in a land of freedom that was paved by so many fallen soilders. Because of this we are all free to say and write what we want, but we don't all have to accept others ideals and opinions.

Let's not forget the families of these great men and women. They sacrifice as well. I salute them as well.
I Just saw the Un-edited Video if the American that was decapitated. I change my mind. Pull all americans out and Nuke the region. Screw them all. They are All Savages!!!!!

Just for all the "Freedom-seekers" they need to show this video in it's entirity to remind our people of what our boys and girls are fighting over there. Trust me the Photos are NOTHING compared to this. At least the Little-Sheet-Heads got to keep their lives.

Scum-sucking sons of worms.
I saw that un-edited this morning too, it is a very sobering site.

And he was not a soldier, but rather a contract in Iraq to help rebuild the contry, talk about in-grateful

I feel for his family as well as the families and friends and soldiers of veryone involved. I have already lost someone close to me over seas, and would lie nothing more than to simple desimate the area, drop a bunch of those nukes on them, fill the hole that was once afganistan and Iraq in with water and call it lake American!

But in reality, it is not that easy, that would make us no better than they are. The thing that is really bothersom, is that the majority of people over there are not against us, what we see is only a small population, maybe 1% of the population that want to see the end of America, the rest thank us for support! They are aware of the fact that we have freed them. so... we can't simply practice a little genocide and fry the entire country!

I have a lot more to say on this, but again apparently this is a jeep only forum, and the troubles and tribulations of real word events should not be discussed here in entirety
Military isn´t for everybody, like society it takes all sorts to make it work. Like a community it´s the sum of it´s parts, not an individual. Having said that, it takes a special type of person, to volunteer to be at the pointy end of the spear.
The people in uniform, as a whole and especially those in the combat units, help keep the Jackles at bay.
Amazing the thoughts some, protected, pampered, intellectuals have. They often only relate to there very small and insulated experiences.
After having helped face off the Russians on the Chec border, then spent half a year chasing insurgents around Viet Nam, being spit on in the San Fransico airport on my way to the hospital, then a half dozen near misses by Red Army/Badder Meinhoff bombs (as a civilian contractor in Germany), a near miss by a scud missle in Saudi Arabia in 91 (as a civilian contractor) and facing down Croations and Bosnians at impromtu roadblocks (as a civilian contractor),while finguring a M-26 in my pocket, while trying to get to the Hospital and fix there machines.
I may have a different point of view, than Mister MaGoo (Gonzalez).
I believe the Gonzalezes of this world will be the first to scream, why didn´t the Government protect me, when things turn to Sheit. And often haven´t the experience, nor have learned enough, about how the world really is, to voice much of a relevant oppinion. Mr. Gonzalez may have never heard, that a person who chooses to live under the protection of a government, has a duty to help protect that government.
I can think of numerous occasions, when I wish somebody of Mr. Tillmans caliber, was there to help, get my rear out of a crack. Thanks for the sacrafice, of all of our soldiers, most of us appreciate it.
After seeing that video, this is the hardest time I have had at not spurting out a stream of profanities on this web site. I hope every single person that has anti American views recieves a death ten times worse than what Mr. Berg experienced. I think we should nuke them all, women, children, doesnt matter. They are all fighting against American and probably cheered when they saw that video. TO HELL with all of them, lets pull our men and women out, and give em a Hiroshima times 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As disturbing as the video is, we all know who we are dealing with over there. That said, the photos, videos, etc that were brought into light of Americans carrying out the dispicable acts against iraqi prisoners was perhaps the single most shameful thing this country has seen to date. This gave the opposition fuel to bolster the fire of hate that is already strong in that region of the world. No one can justify the way that American was treated, but after seeing the pics that had been released, can anyone really say they were surprised by it? Well if you were, prepare yourself for more of it. Those people already have a level of hate for us that is so strong that many are willing to sacrifice their own lives just to kill us.

Our objective over there was supposed to be to remove Saddam Hussein from power and liberate the people of Iraq, allowing them to set up a new government. Well, Saddam is out, but we can't seem to maintain any reasonable amount of order over there. The logical thing to do to them would be to set up a government then pull the hell out, and if the new government gets overthrown then so be it. Those people are not capable of a democracy. A democracy only works when the people have common goals, which is not the case over there. What we are actually going to do is set up the "puppet" government and remain there. It is not good. Not good at all and many more Americans are going to lose their lives while the people we "liberated" increasingly hate us on a daily basis.

I wish we would get the hell outta there, and spend all the money we're spending over there on developing ways to render useless the oil that makes them so wealthy and powerful. You folks have seen my posts on political topics before and I am no liberal. I am no flower-pickin'-neo-liberal-pinkie-leftist-whacko-scum, but I see the situation over there as mighty troubling. It seems to me that the only ones who will benefit from an occupation in Iraq are the contractors (Haliburton) and the oil industry - certainly not our boys. Saddam had to be removed, and that is done. Lesson learned to Iraq and the rest of the world, when we say if you break a pact then you'll face military force, we mean it. Point made job done, move on.
Just because this is the first time we have seen this on video in a while, it will definatly rile up people, but this stuff happens all the time over there! this is the sh#t that American troops are trying to end! So quickly people forget the other people that have suffered.

That girl that they saved after being beat and raped, look I can't even remember her name.

The Journalist David Pearl

The three contractors who were burned to death then hung from a bridge

The thousands of Iraqies and Afganies that have been tourchered and killed in the past 30 years of regime over there

Foot Print of the American Chicken, Support your Troops
DAMN IT!!!! I just wrote a long reply to this topic and got logged out before I could upload it. Ohh well, here comes the short version.

I'm a full time soldier in the CA Army National Guard. I believe we are in Iraq to rid them of a terrible plague. We're doing the right thing by being there. I don't care what anyone says about how it's wrong for us to force our values on a nation. I don't believe that the innocent people over there hold these radicals values so true. I'm sure they don't believe that beheading someone is a religous answer to any problem. I believe that they will welcome our values. I'm goin to the sandbox real soon and I believe I'm doin the right thing. I also know that I'll have a new perspective on the whole situation when I come back. However, I know that the only difference will be how much I truly enjoy being an American and the rights I have. It will also make me appreciate the freedoms I enjoy that much more and realize how much I've taken them for granted. If only everyone in this country could see that I think the general feeling towards this war would be a whole lot different.

My thanks to all those who support our troops. It truly does make us want to continue doing it. And to those who don't support our troops....just remember our blood was shed to afford you those rights to disagree.

An Army Of One