Light Mounts


New member
I was thinking of getting some lights and light mounts that go on the windshield fram!! Two questions????
1. How they hell do you get the bolts out? They seem to strip out easy.
2. Where do you run the wiring?
Thanks :?:


Drill and ez out them babys and then replace them with hex heads. The wireing goes in between the windshield and the tub I would think. They look really nice setting there and the only draw back would be the glare off the hood. I have gone ultra flat camo so glare should not be a problem for me anymore so that is the first place I plan to set my lights up as well.

quick as I finish my tops paint job I plan to put it back on till next summer anyway as it has rained all summer her and I am tired of getting wet. From the new brush gaurd and bumper I am makeing I plan to run a small gauge steel cable from the outside edge of the brush gaurd to the top outside corrner of the windshield frame to act as a slide for limbs and brust that might other wise be able to hit the lights mounted there and the windshield.

Any how good luck in the mounting there and let us see some pics as you finish. Tug
I have a pair of 150 watters on my windshield and I have no glare whatsoever... I drilled a hole on the side right below the windshield hinge, works great, looks great. In order to get those torx out, I bought USA made torx set, put them on a rachet, and put a 24" breaker bar on the ratchet. Push hard on the head of the ratchet with one hand and pull down on the breaker bar with another... I stripped 2 of the 6 also... you can mount the bracket over it still if you want, I did for a while. Good luck.

Yeah those aluminum torx screws strip out real easy. I stripped out one when I got my new doors and it was hard as heck to get them out, even with the EZout. The aluminum was so soft that the EZout couldn't bite in. Good luck getting them out.
