MC 2100 throttle shaft


New member
Guy I work with said something a few days ago about an old mustang 6 cylinder that he was offered for his Commando and I asked him if it had a carb on it, that I would be interested in the carb.
He came by late last week and dropped off a FILTHY MC2100. Date stamped on the underside was 72, and it is a 1.08 with 49 jets, with the better base plate for sealing up to the adapter required to put on a Jeep 258.
The thing cleaned up great after a gas bath for a few hours and a little scrubbing with a toothbrush, but the throttle shaft is seized. I have soaked the ends with PB Blaster hoping some would work its way up in there, but so far, the thing just doesn't want to budge.
Anyone ever deal with this and have a trick? Everything looks great on this carb, but I don't know what else to do short of taking a torch to it and hope the heat breaks it loose, but scared to do that with the soft metal the housing is made of. It's a spare, so I don't HAVE to have it, but I hate to toss it too, especially since it's the only one I have with the 258 adapter-friendly base.

I'm pretty sure all the throttle shafts on mc2100's protrude out the other side. If you can, try taking off the valves and tapping the end with a lead or brass hammer after it is good and warm, not blazing hot. I have never tried heating up aluminum, but I think it would be fine.