"Part Time" Light????


New member
Dieseling on shut down

bought a 2000 Wrangler last October. First nice day today and my top down for the first time! Sunny and 48 degrees...What a ride!

Then I noticed something in the dash that I haven't seen... a light that came on for the first time "part time". what's that mean????

RE: Re: RE: Front hitch

that meant you had it in 4WD. Part time meaning the Jeep normally runs in 2WD. If you see it on when you don't need it (especially on dry roads), shift out of 4WD ASAP as to not damage your Jeep ;)
Re: RE: MPG & Odometer with bigger tires

Thanks Twisted Copper...that's kind of weird because I didn't have it in 4WD all day--not since last weekend. Any idea(s) what could cause the light to come on if it hadn't been in 4WD in a week???