Randy Travis meltdown

No, that's 11, ha ha ha.

Clothes are for ugly people
ha ha ha. its because you are out in the wild mountains. you have to have clothes where its cold. no nakedness in snow, thats a no go. we can do everything naked here because we live on the gulf of mexico where water temps are in the high 70s to low 80s in the summers and high 50s in the winters
see, from the us national oceanographic site:

(Observation Date and Time)
Corpus Christi Point, TX86.7
(08/14/2012 01:48 UTC)

Eagle Point, TXN/A

Freeport TX88.9
(08/14/2012 01:48 UTC)
Galveston Pleasure
Pier, TX
Galveston Bay Entrance,
North Jetty, TX
(08/14/2012 01:48 UTC)

Galveston Channel TXN/A

Morgans Point, TXN/A

Port Aransas, TXN/A

Port Mansfield, TXN/A586166757983858583766962
Rockport, TX90.1
(08/14/2012 01:48 U

Lol what are we suppose to open it in notepad and publish it as a website just to see it!
its open on my page. i don;t know, i just copied and pasted it from the web site. just google corpus christi water temps and it should be the first thing to pop up