road rage wrecked my DD today....


New member
Well, I went to ace hardware today to get four bolts ($1,25) so I could attach an aftermarket carb air cleaner base to my factory air cleaner assembaly (MC2100 swap and the aftermarket cheapo air cleaner I had didn't satisfy me). I'm on my way home on a 4 lane road and this jackass in a Z71 comes flying around me on the right (there's a slow mover in the right lane just ahead and a line of cars ahead of me) and then he swerves over when his left rear tire is about at my right front tire. I hit my brakes, lay on the horn, and flip him the bird. He starts gesturing for me to pull over, presumably so he and the other two guys in the truck can beat the tar out of me. I just slow down and back off and he takes off in whatever huge hurry he's in. He eventually gets about 1/2 mile ahead of me, but then he stops to turn left (the road had narrowed to 2 lanes at this point). By the time I get up behind him oncoming traffic has all passed and he just sits there and starts pointing for me to turn. I go around him on the right shoulder and the next thing I know his brushguard is in my trunk. I don't know if he purposely rammed me or if he was trying to keep me from getting back on the road, but either way he smoked me. I jump out of the car and at this point I'm thinking "there are three of them so my odds aren't looking real good here". The bastard backs up and drives off! Here's where I get really dumb. I get his plate, and am reciting it myself over and over again (hello, write the damn thing down....). I left my cell at the house so I go back to ask the old couple behind me if they have one, they say no that I should try the house who's driveway I had pulled into to get my car out of the way. Another guy stops and sticks his head out of the truck and yells "I'll see if I can catch them" but I never saw him again. The dispatcher asks what phone number I'm calling from (I didn't know) and what the addy was. I looked up and recited the address and I'll be damned if I didn't lose the plate number. I THINK I got it right, but I wasn't sure (again, dumbass, write it down) Cop shows up after about 30 min and says if they can catch them they'll file aggrevated assault against the guy. I just can't believe the guy just drove off like that. I was worried that it might be considered my fault since I went around the guy on the shoulder, but I guess since he was stopped with left turn signal on when I went around him and the fact that he left the scene convinced the cop that I wasn't at fault (although looking back, flipping the guy off, DUMB, going around him on the shoulder, DUMBER). Anyhow, now my 93 accord that I have faithfully maintained since new will probably be totalled out and I have the choice of buying it back and trying to fix it or trying to find another good car for under $5K (blue book on the accord). It drives fine but the muffler apparently is gone because I sounded like a ricer coming home. :evil: Trunk won't close, taillights are gone as is the rear bumper. Trunk is considerable smaller too. Sucks because wife and I just had baby #2 two weeks ago and cleaned the savings account out to pay the delivery costs. Glad I had uninsured motorists, because I didn't have collision with a car that old. Now I just gotta hope they catch the guy so his insurance (that's assuming he has insurance) can pay instead of mine.
RE: carb help, hei, vacuum advance

wow, that really sucks!!!

Well hopefully they catch the guy and everything turns out alright for you.
free to a good home

Glad you're alright... 2 mistakes really.... no cell phone and flipping him off... as for passing him on the shoulder cause he was stopped to turn - that's legal in NJ.. not sure of your state.

reminds me of the time i was following a friend to his house..... I see some bozo in a little sports car behind me weaving in & out of traffic to get ahead (traffic was pretty heavy, 2 lanes each direction). I just know he's gonna cut one of us off so I call my fritnd on his cell and give him the heads up.. the guy cuts me off to get in front of me and I warn my friend to be on the look out... sure enough he does it to my riend too. My friend hangs up, calls 911 and we follow the guy (going nearly 85 in a 65) as the 911 dispatcher relays our location ot the state police. The trooper goes past my friend and pulls the guy over. Of course the jerk played dumb and tried to talk the cop out of giving him a ticket.. the cop sais "hey, its not me writing you the ticket... its the guy in the Jeep behind me". My friend had to sign the ticket (yes, you CAN write another motorist a ticket). We go to court (of course the jerk doesnt think we'll show). We explain it to the prosecutor before court starts and he says "Normally I don't do this, but you guys can go home, I'll take care of this one for you".

You gotta be careful with your road rage. Thank god it was only a little damage to the car and not any to yourself. There are some nuts out there, its always best just to blow them off.
:lol: Sorry man, but you have to see the humor here from a spectators view. You told him to shove a finger up his A$$, so he shoved a truck up yours. He just misunderstood your hand signal.

It's not funny that it happened.....just.....nevermind, sorry.
i have investigated a incident of road rage, where an elderly lady slowed down for a yellow light and the guy behind her flipped out. He cut of the car next to her when the light turned green and began screaming and cursing at her. he then tried to ram her with his car, coming within inches from her car till she ran off the road and struck a tree. good thing was that she and a witness got the tag number for me and when i called the owner, i found out his 16 year old son drives the car. He is now locked up in a juvenile detention center for 2 years. Road rage doesn't do anything for people but get them in trouble up to their eye balls. Sorry that it happened to you and hopefully they catch that @$$hole.

RE: Ok i have finally picked which lift

There are tons of stupid people in this world. Sorry about your honda. I hope the popo's catch the guy cause that aint right!

Well if were telling road rage story's, I will tell mine.

Cruising in town to go see some people. On the way home we are drving down the main drag and some skin heads in a little red station wagon pull out like right in front of us and we are going like 40. Lock up the brakes and swerve into the next lane. As we are passing them my dad's brother in the passenger seat moves his fingers like someone talking and says something like yabadabadaba doo, then they are flipping us off and tossing some words which I cant say on here. I will admit my dad has a bad temper sometime, he passes the guy. Slams on his brakes and makes the guy stop. My dad's brother jumps out and start running at the guys car. What was laughing turns to horror on their fasces. They back up and drive away as fast as they can. It was the funniest thing. I am in the back laughing and these two guys my dad and his bro are all pissed off. What a ride.
Junkpile said:
:lol: Sorry man, but you have to see the humor here from a spectators view. You told him to shove a finger up his A$$, so he shoved a truck up yours. He just misunderstood your hand signal.

It's not funny that it happened.....just.....nevermind, sorry.

I can see where someone would find that funny, it's not really funny to me but I can see where you're coming from. People in NW arkansas are crazy on the roads. I just thought Memphis was bad, but the hillbillies up here are just nuts. In east Arkansas, everybody drives within 5 miles of the speed limit (no traffic and people who like the fast life move to Memphis or LR) and if you do flip somebody off, they just flip you back off and you both mutter a few words. Looking back I don't really think the guy was trying to hit me, but I think he was trying to keep me from getting back on the road and I pulled out in front of him right as he floored it. I told the cop that and he said "you say he was sitting at a dead stop to turn left?" and I said yes, and then he floored it when I went around. I wasn't watching the guy, I was watching the shoulder making sure I didn't get off the shoulder too far and hit the ditch. Cop said "aggrevated assault" and that he thought they would be able to track the guy down from the description of the truck. I'll keep my fingers to myself from now on. I hate walking away from jackasses like that. I've won and lost a few fights in my day, and there's nothing more I'd like to do than knock one of these punks lights out, even if it meant the other two would get the best of me. Thing nowadays is you have to worry about them being really nuts, pulling a pistol and shooting you, or running you over when you get out of the car. You have to worry about them sueing you saying you attacked them (his word against yours). I've had to slow down a lot with a wife and 2 babies. It's hard to keep driving in that case, but I know it's what I should do. This kinda thing was just stupid on the part of both parties. I just take it too personally when jackmonkeys drive the way people up here drive. I've learned my lesson. Yeah, I'll cuss them, but it's not worth it even to flip one of them off when it ends up like this, and it didn't end up nearly as bad as it could've. I was expecting my back to be killing me this morning, but it's just aching a little bit. I was probably not yet up to 10mph and the guy hit me hard enough to knock my hat off (it was in the back seat). I did have to chuckle when I saw that.
I too suffer from the occasional outbursts of flipemthefingeritis and one time I did it to a couple of kids that were running stopsigns in my neighborhood. They followed me and then stopped in front of me and jump out and were about ready to beat my @ss. IF I had gotten out of the Jeep they would've tried I'm sure. However, I've never really been in a fist fight because I've always had a bad temper and I'm certain that if I was ever mad enough to go to blows with someone that I wouldn't stop until they were dead. I'm not a big guy, but I'm not afraid to fight dirty. As far as I'm concerned if you want to fight with me I'm taking every shot I can get. I regret not getting out because I felt like a puss, but I would much rather feel like a puss then be sittin in prison because I killed someone with my bare hands. Luckily I don't have to drive very much anymore. Now whenever I'm faced with a situation like that I just try and relax and let them go on their way. No use in getting my panties in a bunch over pieces of crap like that. This is also another reason why I've never gone into law enforcement. I'd be the rookie cop in the news that beat the living crap out of a guy that ran a stop sign or something.

talked to the police today. He said the tag # I gave them (wasn't 100 % sure if I got it right) came back to an address on the road where the guy was going to turn left. It was NOT a tag for the pickup that hit me, so either I got the tag wrong and coincidentally the tag I gave the police happened to be on the street where the guy was going, or there's been some tag switching going on. The cop said they're going to keep watching the area. Hopefully the truck will appear and they'll get the guy. I was really wanting a little more info on the house where the tag was registered, but they didn't give me any more info other than "we're looking into it further"
Re: for robrt-stephens

So sorry to hear this and read about it. Our culture is going slowly mad, and it is unnerving. Everytime I'm in deepest Mexico and jeep, romance, jeep some more and interface with all walks down there, I then head north for home and get squirrely about Tampico or so, dreading to re-enter the madness that has become us.

Very sad.

Sorry, again.
Re: RE: Re: for robrt-stephens

wm69 said:
talked to the police today. He said the tag # I gave them (wasn't 100 % sure if I got it right) came back to an address on the road where the guy was going to turn left. It was NOT a tag for the pickup that hit me, so either I got the tag wrong and coincidentally the tag I gave the police happened to be on the street where the guy was going, or there's been some tag switching going on. The cop said they're going to keep watching the area. Hopefully the truck will appear and they'll get the guy. I was really wanting a little more info on the house where the tag was registered, but they didn't give me any more info other than "we're looking into it further"

Well, I suppose you could drive down the road they turned onto and look for yourself to see if you can find the truck.....unless it's a heavily populated road. Out here in the sticks, when you get outside of town, there's only one or two houses in each mile section, to that theory works well if you want to find someone. Probably different in your area, though.

wm69 said:
talked to the police today. He said the tag # I gave them (wasn't 100 % sure if I got it right) came back to an address on the road where the guy was going to turn left. It was NOT a tag for the pickup that hit me, so either I got the tag wrong and coincidentally the tag I gave the police happened to be on the street where the guy was going, or there's been some tag switching going on. The cop said they're going to keep watching the area. Hopefully the truck will appear and they'll get the guy. I was really wanting a little more info on the house where the tag was registered, but they didn't give me any more info other than "we're looking into it further"

Probably a good thing - hard as it is, let the police handle it. After living all over Florida for 17 years, I developed quite a case of "road rage". Now that I've gotten away, I've mellowed quite a bit - I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere and if you are, then pass me by - I don't care. Owning the 4banger helps alot! :lol:

BTW, sorry to hear of your incident. That truly sucks. Hopefully, all will work out well with your Honda - maybe a buy-back and a cheap fix. Good luck.
RE: Re: Suggestions...

Well, the neighbor cop came over today and said my "assailant" came in to report an accident yesterday at the Fayetteville PD. They arrested him on felony aggrevated assault. He told the officer who wrote my report that he "bumped me", then changed his story to say his "foot slipped off the pedal" then said he just got pissed off when I flipped him off on his 21st bday so he hit me. Neighbor cop said the guy did apparently have insurance and that he would probably plead guilty to a lesser charge with compensation due me (fixing my car). I'm ok with that as I'd hate to pin a kid with something that's going to stick to him for the rest of his life just because he lost his temper and did something stupid. I've always been a bit of a hot head too and I've done some pretty stupid things in my day, especially when I was his age. If someone had been hurt I'd probably have a different view of it but I can't see tacking a felony on the kid for being stupid. His insurance company will bend him over well enough to learn him a lesson and he smashed his truck up a bit too (nice truck too). Got to take my car in tomorrow to get an estimate. I hope they DON"T total it. It looks like hell (did even before the accident) but it's never missed a scheduled maint. and has been a very dependable car. I'd hardly get anything for it if they did total it and I'd be hard pressed to find a replacement that had been taken care of with what I'd get if they total my car.

RE: Re: RE: News Updates.......

That's good news, and as Mud said, a good attitude. I'm not dissing you, but yeah, you were a bit of the problem by flipping him off rather than just letting it go. I've done the exact same thing myself, so I'm not in any position to criticize you for it. I'm just glad you're at least getting some restitution. And I agree, had someone been injured, I'd say throw the book at him with the felony, or if it had been a repeat offense on his part, charge him. Road rage kills and injures way too many people each year.
RE: 96 or older passenger side XJ door or window glass

I've found sometimes road rage can be out of pure fear. Yesterday night i was following a friend on a local country road. Its heavily traveled, and the local goverment has yet to repave people drive like maniacs on it, and its not really the most stable road...anyhow

So im following my buddy,we go down into this valley, and as we go up out the other side, i see an oncoming car almost clip is driver side, i think "holy crap, close enough there buddy" well the dude in the oncoming car...obviously doesnt realize how close he was to my friend, and he continues in my my lane, coming straight at me.
Words in my mind are: DRUNK, ASLEEP, DEATH, OH PHUK!

I bail, go as far over as I can, my right side is thrashed as its hits an embankment. I look in my rear view to see the guy casually going back over to his lane and continuing on his merry way.

I pull into a nearbye driveway...and at about this stuck between flipping out and crying, because this dude almost killed me. I was so thinking about tracking his ass down and getting a plate, running him off the road, or giving him a few words..but more then likely he had no clue what he had just

I just took a nice deep breath...scoped out my car...and continued on... somewhat glad to be alive.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: for robrt-stephe

Ah, but it gets even better! Today I took my car to get an estimate ($5600) on my 93 accord (it will be totalled as blue book on one in excellent cond is $4600 and while mine was in perfect mech. condition it had quite a few dings). The guy bought the truck in Jan (in other words he owes more than it's worth) and both my insurance company and the detective who called me said his insurance is going to deny the claim since he hit me on purpose (he told the cops that he DID hit me on purpose, that it was no accident). My insurance guy said he didn't know how they were going to handle the claim, but he thought it might be paid out of my "uninsured motorist/hit and run" property insurance, but since they caught the hit and run guy and he wasn't really uninsured there was a chance they might not pay at all. I would get hit by the absolute dumbest person in the world who happens not to have a pot to piss in and his insurance can legally refuse to pay for my car. I didn't have collision on a car that old so looks like unless my insurance pays out (I think they'll pay but the idea that they might not has me scared) I get to fix my car out of pocket, get into a long drawn out court case with this moron, and I'll probaby get $5/month for 100 years or something similiar. I DID get the tag right. The guy never registered the truck so he wouldn't have to pay sales tax on it. He put his old tags on the truck. The cops went to his house looking for him friday, and he turned himself in on saturday (wouldn't exactly say he did it by choice). The fact that he openly admitted to doing it on purpose has made me rethink my "stupid kid" excuse I made for him. I really thought it might have been accidental (still not ok, but not completely on purpose). In the meantime I'm going to be driving the jeep to work. I don't mind that but with gas as high as it is I'd sure like to have my car back.....Oh, and I'm also waiting for my insurance rates to double or them to cancel me altogether since I was involved in an accident caused by "road rage". I told them I flipped the guy off, and while that's not illegal, the insurance companies can still use that as a "risk" I took that lead to an accident. They don't have to have a chance to cancel you/raise your rates now so I'll wait for that one too. All this on my vacation I took to help the wife with the new baby after her c-section. Next year I'll just not take my vacation.......

CJatGuy said:
I've found sometimes road rage can be out of pure fear. Yesterday night i was following a friend on a local country road. Its heavily traveled, and the local goverment has yet to repave people drive like maniacs on it, and its not really the most stable road...anyhow

So im following my buddy,we go down into this valley, and as we go up out the other side, i see an oncoming car almost clip is driver side, i think "holy crap, close enough there buddy" well the dude in the oncoming car...obviously doesnt realize how close he was to my friend, and he continues in my my lane, coming straight at me.
Words in my mind are: DRUNK, ASLEEP, DEATH, OH PHUK!

I bail, go as far over as I can, my right side is thrashed as its hits an embankment. I look in my rear view to see the guy casually going back over to his lane and continuing on his merry way.

I pull into a nearbye driveway...and at about this stuck between flipping out and crying, because this dude almost killed me. I was so thinking about tracking his booty down and getting a plate, running him off the road, or giving him a few words..but more then likely he had no clue what he had just

I just took a nice deep breath...scoped out my car...and continued on... somewhat glad to be alive.

yeah, sometimes when you have a close one you're just so relieved you aren't dead you think "the damage isn't that bad" and you just thank God you're alive. It's a little different when someone is purposely ramming you and someone is asleep at the wheel (both are equally dangerous, but the guy who's asleep isn't going to follow you to make sure he hits you...)