shopping list


New member
I have started a list of replacement needs and wondering what is the best place with best price to order items? Needing: gas tank, gaskets, battery hold down, points, condenser, distribution cap, plugs, etc. Any site better than the other? Quadratec, 4x4center, ???

got a gas tank let me know if interested gaskets,batt hold down ,pointsdist,plugs ect prob be cheaper at like checkers or auto zone prices online yes are cheaper but figure in the shipping cost than it costs more

No worries, we're the bastage child of AMC/Mopar! :lol:

And don't forget Chevy & Ford too. Jeep begged, borrowed, and stole from everyone when it came to parts over the years. I had a 1981 CJ 5, bone stock. If you looked real close at the center of the steering wheel there was the cutest little bow tie you ever saw. You had to look hard, but it was there.

For parts try Craig’s List and don’t forget 4 Wheel Drive Parts
I have an entire battery box from my YJ, should work in your CJ, I'll make you a screaming deal.. $5 plus shipping, all yours.