Showing My Loyalty


New member
Just thought I would share my loyalty with you's still fresh, and needs to heal, so the colors look kinda mixed,but once it heals they will seperate and standout nicely. I'll repost some pics of the finished piece.



Rob 8) :p :)

You are one crazy jeep freak Rob! Looks real good. Should have gotten square head lights hehehehe tug :wink:

Is that your Leg??? Or did you just ride in on a Chicken??? HA HA HA
Thats funny, because I just got a tattoo on friday. I thought about getting the Jeep logo, but was talked out of it by a friend that doesnt have a Jeep, nontheless.

I like it.
Do't let DC see that, they'll sure for copyright infringement, maybe settle out of court for an arm....and a leg :lol:
Bounty__Hunter said:
Do't let DC see that, they'll sure for copyright infringement, maybe settle out of court for an arm....and a leg :lol:

If that was the case, then everyone with a Harley tattoo would get sued.

Nice tat PA
i'd show you guys a picture of mine, but i don't think you'd appreciate seeing that part of my body

Snitty I am so glad you relize this! hehhe man what a post going here. tug
PASmokeater said:
Just thought I would share my loyalty with you's still fresh, and needs to heal, so the colors look kinda mixed,but once it heals they will seperate and standout nicely. I'll repost some pics of the finished piece.



Rob 8) :p :)

all i have to say is... why?