TJ Fiberglass Fenders?


New member
Had the Jeep totally repainted two years ago. Also installed new front fenders at the time since the originals were rusting. 4WD Hardware had Chinese repros from Rugged Ridge that I bought. Now these are rusting on the top even though I sprayed undercoating on them right after it was painted. The Chinese junk is about $235 each but now I see that Crown has some made in USA fenders for about $265 that might be better. OE from Chrysler is about $900 each. :shock: HOWEVER...Quadratech has fiberglass units for $334. Anybody ever use these and did they fit okay?

I have fiberglass fenders on my jeep. I don't really care for them, but I think its just a preference for me though. its not so much the quality as the looks, I have always been able to spot fiberglass body parts on a car, don't know why, but just have. I think maybe the paint lays different on the fiberglass, but I can spot them. Mine don't fit the grill perfectly, but my grill is custom so that my have something to do with it. The drivers side fits ok but the passenger side looks slightly twisted downward as though you put all you weight on the side of it and pushed down. I will get metal fenders when the time comes, but if rust is your issue fiberglass may be your best bet in the long run.
I want to thank you guys for your thoughts on replacement parts . Someday I hope to own a CJ and probably have to contend with issues such as body parts . Nothing hurts worse than to watch your pride and prized jeep rusting before your eyes. Especially after you restored it. They just kill the joy in it all . One vendor sells low priced and low quality and another sells , hopefully better and chemically treated parts but at outrageous prices ! Someday I'll find out what it feels like , someday it will be my turn. Just sorry they kill all the joy for you.