End of an Era

In the early 1970's in Wichita, when I was much more naive, there was a serial killer that dubbed himself BTK for the method in which he killed his victims; Bind, Torture, and Kill. His last known murder was 1984, then he dropped out of sight. Last year, right around this time, he began sending letters to a local news station again. In the letters, he started giving clues to his identity, taunting the police, and apparently wanting them to catch him. In one letter, he included a drivers license and a photograph of a murdered woman that had previously been unsolved that occurred in 1986, making her the 8th victim in 10 years. Many of the recent letters and packages from BTK have included "trophies" from his kills such as jewelry and other personal items that could be linked directly back to his victims. Police knew the letters were real due to the information he was able to provide about the crimes that were never made known to the public. He was even featured on "America's Most Wanted" a few weeks back. Tonight, he is finally in custody. There are a lot of questions yet to be answered, such as where was he over the 20 years of silence. Some feel he was in prison on another charge, but information gathered from neighbors tonight indicates that he was living in Park City (a suburb north of Wichita) for at least the past 14 years. Coincidently, he lived in the same block where a woman was murdered in 1985 and whose case has never been solved....possibly the 9th victim of BTK.

I am glad he is behind bars, but a part of me is strangely saddened. I grew up fearing BTK. In the atrocities he has created, the death of so many, and the fear he caused in Wichita and the surrounding towns, he has become a legend. Up until his arrest today, it was estimated that he would be in his mid-60s, and the fear of him committing any more murders was mostly gone because of his age. Most think he wanted to get caught because of failing health. In a way, I guess I had hoped this would be a mystery that he would take to his grave. Yeah, I know that's wrong. I don't want to feel that way, but I do. I feel sorry for his victims and their families, and I'm hoping that they finally get some sense of closure now. He was a terrible, terrible man that did terrible, terrible things to people that can never be undone, but I'll miss him....or maybe the notoriety of having lived within 30 miles of him and possibly even knowing him. They haven't released any names yet, but there is a very good chance I may have met him at some point in the last 40 years.....that's odd to think about. Neighbors said he was a normal person, had a steady job, a wife and kids. Not quiet, but not overly boisterous either.

Because of the 20 year lapse in communications with him before he resurfaced last March, he will no doubt go down in history as one of the most notorious serial killers ever. And tonight, by the Grace of God, he is behind bars. I'll post more as the events unfold......

Here is a link to the story in the Wichita Eagle:

I read about this in my local paper a few weeks ago....quite interesting
hopefully they have the right person.

now when do the books and made-for-t.v. movies start?
RE: Steering problem after stuck, HELP!!!

Jeez, Sparky, you're right in the thick of everything out there, aren't ya? :shock:

That's an amazing story, I somehow remember hearing/reading about this person somewhere, and I can understand where you're coming from... It's just one of those things you grew accustomed to; thrilling, a little scary, but the intrigue that this is a person that could go to the same grocery store, post office, or bank as you is definately there...

I worded that horribly, can't write that well this morning, but you get my drift, I hope...

RE: Steering problem after stuck, HELP!!!

Sparky-Watts said:
.........but I'll miss him....

I'm a little worried about you, Sparky :shock: . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But you needn't worry.........there's PLENTY of crazies out there. Unfortunately, there'll be more.......maybe even a copy-cat.

I went to one of the BTK message boards last night...man, it was weird the way it happened. I started reading it around 10, but the thread was started around 2pm asking what was going on. Before anyone had even mentioned BTK on the news, people on that board were speculating that it was him.

From the site I was able to get his name, address, phone number, and picture. That's sad, he'll never get a fair trial in Kansas. Like I care if he gets treated right, it's only that I don't want him to get off on a technicality. The WPD is going to announce his capture, and possibly give out his name at 10am, in about 45 minutes from now. Until they release his name, I won't say it here. It was kinda creepy, because as people on that website were giving links to google image pages and alta vista and white pages sites, those sites would simply vanish off the web! The FBI was pulling sites down faster than you could say "www"!!! If it is the person they said it was on the site (his neighbor was one of the people on the message boards!), then I did meet him back around 90 or 91 at a church retreat in Wichita. I've got his pic on my PC, and I know somewhere there's a group picture of us at the retreat that will have him in it, I just have to dig through my boxes in the attic. I'm waiting till they release a name before I get too excited about digging around in the spider hole, though!

I'm sick of the local news coverage. They've been "Live on the Scene" since about 4pm yesterday, jabbering on and on and on and on and on about it, probably even all night, saying the same thing over and over and over and over. They're treating it like they've caught the guy that killed the president or something. It's not that big of a deal.

Only one person had ever seen BTK during the murders and lived to tell about it. He was around 7 or 8 years old, BTK came to the door and asked to talk to the kid's mother. The kid let him in the house. BTK put him and his baby sister in a bathroom, then beat and killed his mother in the next room. Understandably, that kid never amounted to much in life, and I believe is even homeless now, in and out of psychiatric wards around Wichita. Another kid came home to find 4 members of his family dead after school. Charlie Otero was just recently (in the past month or so) released from prison for burglary and assault charges, and he blames his life on BTK. He has also pledged publicly to kill BTK if he ever had the chance......I say give him 10 minutes alone with him in the jail cell........better justice than the courts could ever give.
Clutch pedal question

Yeah, it was the guy I thought it was. Dennis Rader. I did meet him about 14 years ago at a church retreat (right around the time of the last murder he's being linked to). I'm not sad anymore about him being captured. Sick b-word. He's being charged with 10 murders now, including two unsolved in Park City, one of which was 2 doors down from him. Neighbors interviewed told of a garage sale he had a few years ago in which he was selling several boxes full of dog collars. They asked where he got them; he said everytime he took a dog to the pound to be gassed, he kept the collar....much as he had kept "trophies" from his murder victims. Sick b-word. Neighbors also said he'd sneak into their yards and let their dogs out, just so he could catch them and take them to be killed at the pound. Sick b-word. I have a feeling there will be more victims added to the list as time goes on. I'm also pretty sure that since it was obvious he wanted to be caught, that he will confess. I seriously doubt they ever would have caught him if he hadn't started communicating again after 25 years. Does this look like a serial killer to you:



Thank God it's over (mostly, anyway) for the families. Sick b-word.

RE: It

I have always admired in a strange way the way a sick mind works. Now do not get me wrong I hate the crimes but he was able to kill at will and remain free for all of thoes years and live his life a seemingly normal existance all the while keeping trophys from all the dead. I mean dang folks can't even rob a market and get byu with it yet these sick folks get by with murder. There is a real thought process that makes these killers tick that is far above the normal. I to am glad to know he is caught but would love to be able to spend hours with him one on one just to learn how and why he did what he did. Dang what a story it would be. tug
Me, too, Tug. I just have so many questions....and the lead investigator on the case has been working it for 30 years, so I'm sure he's got a ton of them too, beyond the scope of police work. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they get together.....

An update: Apparently, his daughter turned him in to the tip line two weeks ago. Police aren't saying what led her to make the connection. I can't wait till the trial is over, so that the public can finally learn how this whole thing came together. He had been leaving packages and envelopes all over Wichita for the police, giving them clues that would help them catch him. It has been reported that on one of the packages he dropped, he was caught by a security camera at a Home Depot. They also got DNA from his trash that linked him to the murders. Some reports are saying now that his daughter took his razor to police to get the DNA from that.....it's gonna be a long time till the trial is over and we really learn all the facts, though.....should be very interesting.

Also, people are already selling tickets they got from him with his signature, as well as his business cards on eBay. I've already sent a letter to eBay asking them to remove all of those items from the site. I just think it's wrong that someone is profiting from him like that. I feel sorry for the families of the victims that the person who killed them is making money for someone else. Just sad.....
He was the Compliance Officer for Park City, KS. Basically the dog catcher, but also handled housing code violations such as roofing and construction permits, unkempt lawns, junk ordinances, etc. I'm guessing he was a "cop wannabe" that probably couldn't pass the test, so that ticked him off into becoming what he is. He also worked for ADT security for most of the time while he was committing the murders, installing security systems! Gave himself job security, because records show an extremely sharp increase in home security systems from 1974 to 1980, when he was most active in the news. Also gave him a lot of access to people's homes. Police yesterday removed a van and a truck full of women's clothing, including 4 big trash bags full of panties and panty hose, as well as several boxes of jewelry and photographs of women and children, so he was obviously breaking into homes even after the murders, just to steal trophies. Funny how one of his downfalls was being caught on a security camera while dropping one of his several communications with police at a local Home Depot!

Converting brakes over

Now the AP is reporting that he has confessed to a total of 13 murders. Before he resurfaced last year, there were 7. Then he gave the police evidence that he had killed 8. When he was arrested, they linked 2 more to him. So, apparently, there are at least 3 more that he did. My wife worked with a woman many years ago who came home to find her two teenage daughters bound and strangled in the hot tub.....much the same as BTK did his victims. They aren't releasing info on who he killed (aside from the original 10), so we don't know yet. During the news conference yesterday when they announced his arrest, they said that since all of his murders (that they knew of at the time) were committed before Kansas adopted the death penalty, they couldn't give him death. But, now one of the murders he just confessed to was after the state adopted it, so there's a chance he may get it....except that the Kansas Supreme Court has thrown the death penalty out in just the past couple of months....it's some legaleze thing I don't understand, but if it's studied by the SC and deemed appropriate, they may reinstate it...right now, even in they reinstate it, I don't know if he can be given it, because of the time frames. I don't know if reinstating it as is will allow them to use it on him. It's too confusing....we'll just have to wait and see.
At a Lutheran church in Wichita. He was also president there. I've removed one picture I posted that turned out not to be a picture of him....it was another member of his church. My mistake.


Funny thing about the dog deal, makes you wonder if he wasn't trying to cope with the illness that made him kill by switching to dogs. Could it be that, by him attempting to come to terms with his illness and focusing his attention on animals, it could be an explanation for his lapse of committing murder over so many years? Could it be this same internal battle with his illness that drove him to leave clues leading up to his capture? Seems like some form of progression from murder to the killing of dogs to the leaving of clues. Pure speculation, I'm sure there's thousands of unanswered questions about this.
Free sites to host video's???

I've wondered about that, too, Bounty. But a lot of serial killers have a history of also abusing animals, both as children and as adults. It sounds as if his killing of humans has spread out from 1974 to at least 1999, though, and neighbors say he was letting their dogs out, capturing them, and taking them to be killed as long ago as 1976..... The DNA samples they had from his killings came from evidence he left on his victims. See my PM about the specifics on that one, Bounty.
I've heard of the correlation between crime and animal abuse before. Just thought there may be some form of internal battle he fought that led up to his leaving clues for the popo.

RE: prarie

Yeah, I don't know. Maybe we'll never know what kind of internal battles he was fighting. With that much crap from his crimes in the house, you'd think his wife or kids would have noticed......