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Me three, and the the dark early blows just as much... I I I feel... Like a caged ....animal.....eeeeeeeek!!!!!!!! I'm .. going stir crazzzzyyyy!!!

That groundhog wasn't lying was he? I like the snow but these deep cold days in the - deg are starting to get to me. Because it is so cold we haven't been able to enjoy the snow. No sleigh riding, tubing and didn't even build an igloo. And skiing in this cold isn't as much fun. We did go camping though. That was fun.

Look on the bright cold would it have been if it weren't for global warming?.. He he he
On my way in to work this morning I watched the temp drop from -9 to -22 in less than a couple miles! I could hear something freeze solid on my car, it made sort of a dull crack sound, kinda scary.
We're very fortunate here in NYC that our temperatures have not gotten inhumanely frigid as it has been for parts of the United States & Canada . Although very cold at times , as is now , we are still not suffering as badly as other parts of North America . God be with you all .
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Was out walking the other night with wind chills of -10. It was a moonlit night, more calm and quiet than most other nights. Not many cars and the sound of the highway off in the distance was lost. Kind of eery when I stopped to check the time and I could hear footsteps in the snow but couldn't see what was making them. They sounded close. so, I stared intensely into the woods and couldn't see a thing despite the far distances you could see into the woods. The silence was eery and somewhat calming. The cold made me walk faster to keep warm.
Sitting outside here at 12:30 in the morning, enjoying the weather. And all I can think of is about all of you east coast jeepers. ....stay safe out there.

Something I can wear... Wouldn't that advertise that I am trail rated. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. I don't want to be ridden on the trails.

Irony.... Someone that called themselves TrailRated doesn't want to advertise that they are Trail Rated.
The new profile picture reminded me of this post.
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Irony.... Someone that called themselves TrailRated doesn't want to advertise that they are Trail Rated.
The new profile picture reminded me of this post.

Well , if we could take her for a ride that may put an end to weather she is trailrated, I wanna go first.
Irony.... Someone that called themselves TrailRated doesn't want to advertise that they are Trail Rated. The new profile picture reminded me of this post.
I don't mind being called trail rated, or considered fit for heading out on the trails. I don't, however, want all you all dirty minded jeepers to consider that to mean I'm rated to be ridden. And that's just what happened. Of course, I am not offended because my mind is just as gutter ridden as the rest of the community.
I don't mind being called trail rated, or considered fit for heading out on the trails. I don't, however, want all you all dirty minded jeepers to consider that to mean I'm rated to be ridden. And that's just what happened. Of course, I am not offended because my mind is just as gutter ridden as the rest of the community.

Sorry, I was trying to defuse something that I thought was going in the wrong direction, I was only kidding.

I'm about brain dead right now, been shoveling snow all day,got a foot of it here. I get confused easily at this stage, night night ya'll.