Less talk....more action.

I use both gimp and photoshop cause it's easy to transfer pics from one to another sort of like a super photoshop

its been so long since i messed with editing pics that i remember photoshop being just photoshop, no numbers behind it. i was no good, as you can tell, or i would've kept up with that kind of stuff. i like gimp for any odd ball stuff i have to do but i still can;t figure out how to do lots of hte cool stuff like change colors or pick pieces out of pictures.

i can sure screw some pictures up though :)
Haha I hear you. Sometimes screwing with pictures is a good way to learn how to use software. I learned a buncha crap when I accidently (just started messing around and lost myself in thought) put my cousin in the mouth of jaws in her wedding dress.

woops, well at least now I know how to do that right.
i actually use paint for a ton of stuff at work. its so easy and quick (plus, its the only editing program they allow). i use it for making safety meeting presentations
This actually really surprises me.... I thought for sure, being the genius jeople that you all are, you would be smart enough to not even mess around with Microsoft. You DO all know that macs are like the jeeps of the digital world, right?

tjlboise said:
This actually really surprises me.... I thought for sure, being the genius jeople that you all are, you would be smart enough to not even mess around with Microsoft. You DO all know that macs are like the jeeps of the digital world, right?

True that
That is definatly true

I only have windows becouse its what most software programs require. I intend on upgrading to mac soon.

TYhe only problem is recently apple has been building ipods iphones and other smaller devises to break after a year. its actually legal too as long as it is longer than a year that it lasts. This makes me a little afraid to jump on a mac

This actually really surprises me.... I thought for sure, being the genius jeople that you all are, you would be smart enough to not even mess around with Microsoft. You DO all know that macs are like the jeeps of the digital world, right?

I've been really wanting to get an ipad for a change but their software is not compatible with the softwares i use from Chrysler. Programs will not run on them.:cry:. So now i'm stuck with a Toshiba HD running on windows7.
ugh, i have a toshiba satellite. its been back to toshiba twice for repairs because it overheats. now its just a small pc on a chill pad because i can;t carry it anywhere without it over heating.

i wish my dell p3 1g hadn't broken the motherboard, i loved that laptop. it went everywhere with me and was the one i used on my megasquirt build.
for as much as a license for photoshop costs, i have better stuff to spend my money on. I don't do much photo editing, and if i do its just cropping stuff down. I clocked out the my license plate in the photos above using paint. Photo bucket has stuff to edit your photos too which i use once in a while.

that is why gimp is such a good program, its free
Ever noticed how mac has never had, nor ever will need the ridiculous Norton anti-virus? That's because mac has never had any virus.
ScubaDude said:
That is definatly true

I only have windows becouse its what most software programs require. I intend on upgrading to mac soon.

TYhe only problem is recently apple has been building ipods iphones and other smaller devises to break after a year. its actually legal too as long as it is longer than a year that it lasts. This makes me a little afraid to jump on a mac

Just like a jeep...if you take care of it, and maintain it well, it'll last you forever. My cousin has a mac that's over 10 years old, and it still works great.

They only recently have been doing this the second gen iPod nano will outlive anything but then all of a sudden


I am just not sure.
less talk , more action! Need to see some more stickers on jeeps. Thanks for the info guys. Got gimp downloaded ,havent had a chance to play with it yet,12 hr days kinda bites into my time,thanks.


lol j/k..i wouldn't mind a mac, but they are too much money, and i am too used to windows. i haven't had any problem with my laptop, just don't look at porn and download stuff and you should be fine. anyways like gennybro said, lets see more pics!